Quick Start
Everything you need to start integrating right away.
Key steps
Follow these key steps to hit the ground running with the Vertex® O Series APIs:
- Download OAS files.
- Determine URLs.
- Get an an access token.
- Learn about fields, endpoints, and requests.
Download OAS files
Download links for OpenAPI Specification (OAS) files in JSON format are available in the title of API Reference for all O Series APIs.

Use the <> API Reference
button in the site header or any of these links to go to the API reference for the O Series APIs:
- O Series Calculation and Transaction Management API
- O Series Tax Configuration API
- O Series User Management API
- O Series Role Management API
Determine URLs
O Series API URLs are made up of two parts: a base API URI and an endpoint.
- The base URI for an O Series API URL depends on your deployment model and the API that you are calling.
- The endpoint depends on the API version and the location within the API that accepts requests and sends back responses for the functionality you need.
For example, the URL for an O Series Cloud deployment making a transaction call to the Tax Calculation and Tax GIS API on the Supplies
(sales) endpoint is:
O Series Cloud | URLs |
Authorization | https://auth.vertexsmb.com/identity/connect/token |
Token Caching | https://tokenguard.vertexcloud.com/cached/oauth/token |
Transaction Calls on AWS | https://calcconnect.vertexsmb.com/vertex-ws/<endpoint> |
Transaction Calls on Azure | https://calcconnect.azure-na.vertexcloud.com/vertex-ws/<endpoint> |
Transaction Calls on AWS with S/4 HANA | https://s4hanaconnect.vertexsmb.com/vertex-ws/<endpoint> |
Transaction Calls on Azure with S/4 HANA | https://s4hanaconnect.azure-na.vertexcloud.com/vertex-ws/<endpoint> |
Configuration | https://calcconnect.vertexsmb.com/tax-config-api/config/<endpoint> |
User and Role Management | https://calcconnect.vertexsmb.com/oseries-auth/<endpoint> |
O Series On-Demand | URL |
Authorization | https://<customer>.ondemand.vertexinc.com/oseries-auth/oauth/token |
Transaction Calls | https://<customer>.ondemand.vertexinc.com/vertex-ws/<endpoint> |
Configuration | https://<customer>.ondemand.vertexinc.com/tax-config-api/config/<endpoint> |
User and Role Management | https://<customer>.ondemand.vertexinc.com/oseries-auth/<endpoint> |
O Series On-Premise | URIs |
Authorization | https://<servername:port>/oseries-auth/oauth/token/ |
Transaction Calls | https://<servername:port>/vertex-ws/v2/<endpoint> |
Configuration | https://<servername:port>/tax-config-api/config/v2/<endpoint> |
User and Role Management | https://<servername:port>/oseries-auth/<endpoint> |
Looking for REST v1 or SOAP APIs?
- Access to the O Series REST v1 API will be discontinued on December 31, 2025. Refer to REST v1 API documentation for further details and transition instructions.
- Refer to Vertex Community for information on the O Series SOAP APIs.
Get an access token
You need a valid access token to invoke the O Series REST APIs. The steps to obtain a token vary depending on your O Series deployment type.
Get a token for Cloud deployments
To be authenticated and authorized to invoke the O Series APIs for Cloud deployments, you need to:
- Create an API credential to generate a client ID and a client secret.
- Use the client ID and client secret to obtain an access token.
- (Optional) Configure token caching.
The access token can then be used to invoke the RESTful API.
Get a token for On-Premise and On-Demand deployments
To be authenticated and authorized to invoke the Vertex® O Series APIs for On-Demand and On-Premise deployments, you need to:
- Create a service account with the API User role.
- Add an API credential to generate a client ID and a client secret.
- Use your client ID and client secret to obtain an access token.
The access token can then be used to invoke the RESTful API.
Learn about fields, endpoints, and requests
Use these links to access guides to the O Series APIs:
- See the Mandatory Fields Reference to determine which fields are required to make a request and receive a successful response from the APIs.
- See the Requests Reference to learn more about sending requests to the O Series APIs, including all available endpoints and code samples for each request type.
- See the Fields References or click the
<> API Reference
button in the site header to learn about all fields that can be passed to the APIs.
Updated 7 days ago