Tax Area Lookup API Requests
Learn about Tax Area Lookup requests with the Tax Calculation and Tax GIS API.
Tax Area Lookup requests
Request | Endpoint | Method | Description |
Lookup by Postal Address | /v2/address-lookup | POST | This request retrieves tax area information using a postal address as the criteria. The address lookup process takes an address and attempts to verify and cleanse the address by determining possible Vertex-defined tax areas and associated jurisdictions. |
Lookup by Coordinates | /v2/coordinates-lookup | POST | This request retrieves tax area information by using the latitude and the longitude as the criteria. The coordinates lookup process takes a latitude and a longitude and attempts to determine possible Vertex-defined tax areas and associated jurisdictions. ⚠️This lookup request is not currently available for O Series Cloud deployments. |
Lookup by Tax Area ID | /v2/taxareaid-lookup | POST | This request retrieves tax area information by using the unique Tax Area ID. Looks up details for a specific Tax Area ID. |
Lookup by Jurisdiction Code | /v2/external-jurisdiction-lookup | POST | This request retrieves tax area information by using a jurisdiction-defined code. Looks up by using an identifier from a government authority. |
Batch Tax Area Lookup | /v2/find-taxareas | POST | This request retrieves tax area information for multiple searches, using any of the available search criteria. This operation allows multiple tax area searches in a single web service call. All the available search criteria may be used. |
List Tax Areas with Changes | /v2/changed-taxareas | GET | This request identifies tax areas that have changed for any reason within a date range. ⚠️This lookup request is not available for O Series tax calculation deployments hosted on Microsoft Azure. |
Check a Tax Area for Changes | /v2/changed-taxareas/{taxareaid} | GET | This request identifies whether a specific tax area has changed for any reason within a date range. ⚠️This lookup request is not available for O Series tax calculation deployments hosted on Microsoft Azure. |
Updated 6 months ago