Payment Terms

You can model information about the payment terms.

Use the PaymentTerms element to specify the payment terms.


PaymentTerms/NoteSpecify a note.
PaymentTerms/SettlementDiscountPercentThe discount as a percentage.
PaymentTerms/AmountThe base amount for the discount.
PaymentTerms/SettlementPeriod/EndDateSpecify the end date, if you are using one.
PaymentTerms/SettlementPeriod/InstallmentDueDateThe date any instalment is due.
PaymentTerms/SettlementPeriod/DurationMeasureThe length of the period for which the discount is valid.
PaymentTerms/SettlementPeriod/DurationMeasure [@unitCode='D']Use this attribute to specify the units of the period, for example, use D for days.


    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <cbc:Note>Payment within 10 days, 2% discount</cbc:Note>
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->