Saudi Arabia: Buyer's Postal Address

Saudi Arabia has specific requirements for Buyer's postal addresses.

You must specify the Buyer's building number, plot ID, and City Subdivision for Saudi Arabian Documents.

Use the PostalAddress sub-element of the Party element in the AccountingCustomerParty element to model this information.


The additional elements that are required for Saudi Arabia are:

Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/BuildingNumberThe Buyer's building number.
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/PlotIdentificationThe Buyer's plot identification, for example, a parcel number.
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PostalAddress/CitySubdivisionNameThe Buyer's city district.


  • You must include the BuildingNumber, PlotIdentification, and CitySubdivisionName elements for Saudi Arabian Suppliers.


    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                <cbc:StreetName>صلاح الدين | Salah Al-Din </cbc:StreetName>
                <cbc:CitySubdivisionName>المروج | Al-Murooj</cbc:CitySubdivisionName>
                <cbc:CityName>الرياض | Riyadh</cbc:CityName>
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->