Using the Vertex e-Invoicing API

Read about how to use the API.

You can use the Vertex e-Invoicing API's requests to load invoices into the service and check on the processing status.

Getting started

Before you can send API requests, you need to retrieve your access token as detailed in the API Authentication and Access topic.

You use the Send Document request to send Documents in the VRBL format.




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API overview

The API URI is

The API consists of the following components:

Send DocumentLoad a file into the service.
DocumentId (documents/{documentId})Get Document StatusCheck the status of a document.
Integration Queue
Get Documents from the Integration QueueRetrieve documents in the invoice queue.
Additional Document Data
Get Additional Document DataRetrieve additional data related to an invoice.
Mark Documents as Integrated
Mark Documents as IntegratedMark documents as integrated into your system.

The API Reference Guide lists the requests and fields in the API.

Using the API

The following sections detail how you can use the API:

Sending Documents

You use the Send Document request to send Documents to the service.

Retrieving a Document's status

You use the Get Document Status request to retrieve the status of your document. This will return a message that updates you on the current status. These are listed in the Document Workflow Status topic.

Idempotency key

To prevent submitting duplicate copies of the invoice, supply an idempotency key in your requests, as described in the Idempotency Key topic.

Outbound process flow

The following diagram shows an example outbound process flow. In this example, the e-invoices are sent using VRBL to a Tax Authority. Your implementation might differ due to your requirements:

Process Flow

Outbound Process Flow

The steps are:

  1. Invoice is sent as VRBL Document. A Send Document request is sent to Vertex e-Invoicing.
  2. Vertex e-Invoicing sends a success message and GUID to the user.
  3. The user wants to retrieve the status. They send a Get Document Status request, specifying the same GUID as was returned in the previous step.
  4. Vertex e-Invoicing retrieves the status and returns it in the response to the request.
  5. The user receives the status.
  6. When the Document is ready (validated and transformed as per specific country mandate), the service sends it to the Tax Authority or other recipient per the configuration.
  7. The Tax Authority accepts the Document and sends a reply to the service. Finalized XML, PDF, and signature files (if applicable) are available in the service's Dashboard after this step is complete.
  8. The user checks the status again as they did in step 3, using another Get Document Status request.
  9. The user receives the status from Vertex e-Invoicing in the response to the Get Document Status request.

Inbound process flow

The following diagram shows an inbound process flow. In this example, the e-invoice is sent from a suppler to your applications.

Inbound Process Flow

Inbound Process Flow

The steps are:

  1. Supplier sends a B2B e-invoice to the Vertex e-Invoicing customer's applications.
  2. Invoice is sent as VRBL Document. A Send Document request is sent to Vertex e-Invoicing.
  3. Vertex e-Invoicing sends a success message and GUID to the user.
  4. The user wants to retrieve the status. They send a Get Document Status request, specifying the same GUID as was returned in the previous step.
  5. Vertex e-Invoicing retrieves the status and returns it in the response to the request.
  6. The user receives the status.
  7. The user checks the status again as they did in step 3, using another Get Document Status request.
  8. The user receives the status from Vertex e-Invoicing in the response to the Get Document Status request.

In this section

This section contains the following topics:

Using the Vertex e-Invoicing APIThe overview for this section.
Error HandlingInformation about error and status messages.
Send DocumentThe request that you use to send Documents to the service.
Correlation IDsThese help identify Documents for bug fixing and so on.
Get Document StatusThis request can be used to poll the processing status for a specified GUID.
API Reference GuideLists all the components of the API.