Italy: Supplier's Fiscal Code

You can specify an Italian Supplier's Fiscal Code.

Use the PartyIdentification/ID[@schemeID='{ISO_Code}'] sub-element of the Party element in the AccountingSupplierParty element to specify the code.

You must also specify the code from the list here in the @schemeID attribute.

Italian Specification

Italian specification1.2.1.2 (CodiceFiscale)


Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyIdentification/IDSpecify the code and
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyIdentification/ID[@schemeID='{ISO_Code}']Specify an ISO code for the @schemeID attribute.


  • This element can only be used for Italian suppliers.
  • The @schemeID attribute must use one of the codes listed on ISO 6523 list.


The following example specifies 98765432101 as the code:

        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                <cbc:ID schemeID="0210">98765432101</cbc:ID>
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->