Sales and Order References
You may want to add a reference to an additional document, such as a sales or order refence.
The purchase order reference is a conditional element. If the Customer has issued a purchase order it should be referenced by providing its identifier in the resulting invoice, otherwise you should use the BuyerReference element.
If the purchase order is referenced at the invoice header level, the document reference element on line level can be used to state the relevant line numbers in the order.
A sales order is issued by the Seller, confirming the sale of specified products and may be provided in the invoice. In the invoice, both a purchase order and a sales order reference can be given, but be aware that an invoice instance cannot reference a sales order without providing the corresponding purchase order reference.
Use the OrderReference element to specify this on the Document Level.
Document level
Element | Description |
Invoice/OrderReference/ID | Specify the reference to the order. |
Line level
Element | Description |
Invoice/InvoiceLine/OrderLineReference/ID | Specify the reference to the order. |
Country-Specific configurations
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Updated 19 days ago