Greece: Overview

Get an overview of the requirements for Greece.

The AADE created the myDATA portal to facilitate e-invoicing in Greece. The portal monitors companies' transactions, recording revenue and expenses as well as tax and fiscal results.

The B2G Documents that are issued by providers are validated for integrity and correctness in the myDATA portal. These Documents are marked by the AADE in the portal before they are sent on the PEPPOL network. This ensures that only valid Documents enter PEPPOL.

This is explained the Greece: Invoice Number Patterns topic and related topics.


Official Specification- PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 - Documentation and usage guide of the Greek Data Format Specifications Standard PEPPOL BIS 3.0 (CIUS)
Country Specific ConfigurationGreece: Configurations
Country Specific ExtensionsGreece: Extensions
CompliancePEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0


Vertex e-Invoicing does not support B2C or B2B for Greece.

In This Section

Greece: OverviewOverview information for this country.
Greece: ReceiversRead about the Receiver used by this country.
Greece: ExamplesExample Documents.
Greece: ExtensionsThe Extensions for this country.
Greece: Standard ValuesThe standard values for this country.
Greece: ConfigurationsConfiguration topics.
Greece: RulesThe Rules used by this country.