Italy: Configuration Overview
Get an overview of the sections of configuration topics for Italy.
The following table summarizes the sections that Italian configuration topics are grouped into:
Topic | Description |
Italy: General Configuration | General configuration topics for routing details, invoice types, and other topics. |
Italy: Supplier Configurations | Configuration for Suppliers. |
Italy: Buyer Configuration | Configurations for Buyers. |
Italy: Additional Document Configuration | Configurations for attached and referenced Documents. |
Italy: Social Security and Public Entity Configurations | Configurations for social security and public entities such as public investment funds. |
Italy: Tax Configuration | Tax configuration topics. |
Italy: Delivery and Transport Configurations | How to model information relating to delivery and the transport industry. |
Italy: Payment and Price Configurations | How to model payment and pricing information, including allowances. |
Topics per Section
General Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Transmission Format Code | You need specify a dedicated code to represent the transaction format code. |
Italy: Sdi Receiver Code | You must specify an SDI Receiver code. |
Italy: Invoice Type Codes | You must use the codes specified by the Italian Tax Authority to identify the type of invoice. |
Italy: Accounting Reference | You can specify a code or text to identify the supplier for administrative accounting purposes. |
Italy: Data Type | If you specify N3.5 (dichiarazioni d'intento) as the DataType, you must add the DataType element. |
Supplier Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details | You can specify supplier data such as a name or address. |
Italy: Supplier's EORI Number | You can include the Supplier's EORI number. |
Italy: Supplier's Fiscal Code | You can specify an Italian Supplier's Fiscal Code. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax System Code | You must specify the Supplier's Tax System Code. |
Italy: Province for Supplier's Business | You can specify the State or Province for Italian Supplier's business. |
Italy: Supplier's Base Capital | You can specify the Supplier's registered base capital. |
Italy: Supplier's Business Registration Number | You can specify an Italian Supplier's REA number. |
Italy: Supplier Sole Proprietor | You can indicate whether an Italian Supplier is a sole proprietor. |
Italy: Supplier's Liquidation Status | You can indicate a Supplier's liquidation status. |
Italy: Supplier Natural Person | If the Supplier is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details. |
Italy: Supplier's Permanent Italian Establishment | You can specify the permanent address of a supplier who is not resident in Italy. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative's EORI Number | If the Supplier's Tax Representative has an EORI number, you can specify it. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative's Fiscal Code | If an Italian Supplier's Italian Tax Representative has a fiscal code, you can specify it. |
Italy: Supplier's Tax Representative Natural Person | If an Italian Supplier's Tax Representative is a person, you must specify their first and last names. |
Italy: Supplier's Province or State | You can specify an Italian supplier's province or state code. |
Buyer Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Buyer's EORI Code | You can include the Buyer's EORI number. |
Italy: Buyer's Fiscal Code | You must specify a Buyers Fiscal code if you do not specify a VAT number for them. |
Italy: Buyer's Postal Address | You can specify a Buyer's state or province. |
Italy: Buyer Natural Person | If the Buyer is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details. |
Italy: Buyer's Permanent Italian Establishment | You can specify the permanent address of a buyer who is not resident in Italy. |
Italy: Buyer's Tax Representative | If the Buyer has a Tax Representative and they must be present on the Document, you must specify the details. |
Italy: NSO Reference for Buyers | If you want, you can specify an Nodo Smistamento Ordini (NSO) reference for a buyer. |
Italy: Buyer Accounting Reference | You can specify a reference to the Buyer's financial accounts. |
Additional Document Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Agreement Number | You can specify the framework agreement number. |
Italy: Document Reference | If a Document references multiple other Documents, you can reference these on the invoice line level. |
Italy: Attachments | You can use these elements to attach files. |
Italy: Invoice Reference Number | When you send an adjustment e-invoice or a credit note, you must reference the previous invoice. |
Italy: Tender or Lot Reference | You can specify a reference to a tender or lot. |
Italy: Progress Stage Reference Number | You can specify a reference to the state or stage of progression to which this Document refers. |
Social Security Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Article 73 Indicator | If Article 73 applies, you can indicate it. |
Italy: Digital Stamps | If you want, you can indicate if a digital stamp is present. |
Italy: Project Reference | You can specify a code to represent public investment funds. |
Italy: Social Security Base Amount | If a social security allowance exists, you can specify the base amount. |
Italy: Social Security Administration Reference | You can specify the Administration Reference for social security related allowances. |
Italy: Social Security Withholding Indicator | You can specify if a social security allowance is subject to withholding. |
Italy: Social Security Tax Exemption Reason | If a tax exemption exists for a social security allowance, you must specify the reason for the exemption. |
Italy: Social Security Tax Rate | If a social security allowance exists, you must specify the tax rate. |
Italy: Social Security Contribution Amount | If a social security allowance includes a contribution, you must specify the amount of the contribution. |
Italy: Social Security Contribution Percentage | If a social security allowance includes a percentage contribution to a fund, you must specify the percentage. |
Italy: Social Security Charge Code | If a social security allowance charge applies, you must specify VRBL:IT:ZZZ as the reason code. |
Italy: Social Security Organization Code | When social security charges are applied, you must specify the Social Security Organization's code. |
Tax Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Incidental Costs | If incidental costs related to the tax rate exist, you can specify them. |
Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code | If tax is withheld, you must specify the details. |
Italy: VAT Mechanism | You can specify the mechanism of payment for VAT. |
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason | You can specify a free text description for a tax exemption. |
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code | If no tax is applied, you must specify a reason. |
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) | You can specify Tax Exemption Reason Code on the invoice line level. |
Delivery Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Vehicle Details | You can specify details about vehicle registration and the distance covered. |
Italy: Transport Invoice Reference | You can specify a reference to an invoice related to transportation. |
Italy: Delivery Location | You can specify the address that goods are sent to. |
Italy: Carrier's EORI Code | You can specify the Carrier's EORI code. |
Italy: Carrier's Driver's License ID | You can specify the Carrier's driving license. |
Italy: Carrier's Fiscal Code | You can specify the Carrier's Fiscal code. |
Payment and Price Configuration
Topic | Description |
Italy: Payee Data | You can specify the details of the person who confirms a payment in Italy. |
Italy: Payment Terms Code | You must specify the Payment Terms code. |
Italy: Penalty Start Date | You can specify the start date for any penalties. |
Italy: Early Payment End Date | You can specify the end date for early payment discounts. |
Italy: Payment Terms Start Date | You can specify the start date of any payment terms. |
Italy: Payment Reason Code | If a Document contains a payment, you must specify a reason code. |
Italy: Rounding Amount | If you use Rounding, you must specify it. |
Italy: Transfer or Service Type Code | If a a discount, bonus, rebate, or an incidental expense applies, you must specify a transfer or service type code. |
Italy: Unit Price Allowance | You can specify an allowance that is applied to the unit price on the line-item level. |
Italy: Item Gross Price | You can specify an item's gross price on each invoice line. |
Updated 4 months ago