Spain: Rules
Read about the rules Spain uses.
Country-Specific VRBL rules
Description | Topic |
[VRBL-ES-1]-The Line Item Price expects a maximum of one Line Item Price Allowance Charge. | Prices |
[VRBL-ES-2]-The Line Item Price Allowance Charge Charge Indicator must always be 'false', as the difference must be stated as a reduction. | Allowances |
[VRBL-ES-3]-Each Allowance must have Allowance Allowance Charge Reason or Allowance Allowance Charge Reason Code | Allowances and Charges |
[VRBL-ES-4]-Each Line Item Allowance must include the Line Item Allowance Allowance Charge Reason or the Line Item Allowance Allowance Charge Reason Code | Allowances and Charges |
VRBL rules
Spain uses the core VRBL Rules that are documented in the VRBL Rules topic.
PEPPOL rules
Spain uses the core PEPPOL Rules that are documented in the PEPPOL Rules topic.
EN16931 rules
Spain uses the EN 16931 Rules that are documented in the EN 16931: Rules topic.
Updated 21 days ago