Serbia: Buyer 's Electronic Address

You can specify the Buyer's electronic address.

Use the Party subelement of the AccountingCustomerParty element to model this information.

You can use one of the following values to specify this:

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Poreski Identifikacioni Broj (PIB): Both of these are 9-digit numerical values that can represent legal entities, entrepreneurs, permanent business units of non-resident legal entities, and non-resident natural persons.
  • Serbian Unique Master Citizen Number (JMGB): This is a 13-digit numerical value that can represent individuals.

General information about Endpoint IDs is provided in the Endpoint IDs topic.


Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/EndpointIDUse the TIN, PIB, or JMGB.
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/EndpointID @schemeIDUse 9948.


  • You must use the TIN or PIB to represent legal entities, entrepreneurs, permanent business units of non-resident legal entities, and non-resident natural persons.
  • You must use the JMBG for individuals.
  • You muse use 9948 for the @schemeID attribute.


    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="9948">123456789</cbc:EndpointID>
        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->