Error Handling

This topic explains how to handle errors and other messages.

HTTP status codes

The service's API uses standard HTTP Status codes, including:

200Successful request.
400 invalid requestIt can also signify a business error. You can review the error's details for further information.
401 unauthorizedThe request is not allowed.
500 internal server errorGenerally, the operation should be retried later, and if the error persists, support should be contacted.

Error information in API responses

Whenever possible, the API returns an application/json response with error information, such as below:

    "documentId": null,
    "status": "SchemaIsNonCompliantError",
    "rejectMessage": "Validation Error: The element 'PartyTaxScheme' in namespace 'urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'CompanyID, TaxLevelCode, ExemptionReasonCode, ExemptionReason' in namespace 'urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2' as well as 'RegistrationAddress, TaxScheme' in namespace 'urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2'."

This data structure contains the error type (category) and a message with additional details.

Error status

The status field shows one of the statuses as listed both below and in the Document Workflow Status topic:

PendingThe initial state of the document while it is being pre-processed. While in this status, the document is not yet visible in the e-Invoicing dashboard. This is a transient state. Documents move from this status to either In Progress when they are successfully validated, or Processing Issue in the case of an error.
In ProgressAfter initial validation, a document is visible in the e-Invoicing dashboard and delivery is in progress through the network to the tax authority and the final recipient. This is a transient state. Documents move from this status to either Completed or Error.
CompletedThe business process of the document is complete and all deliveries are final.
Processing IssueThe document shows this status when an error occurs in the early stages of ingestion, for example, the input document is not correctly formatted.
ErrorThe document shows this status once it has made it through early validation but has a business error, for example, it was rejected by the tax authority. This category of error can generally be resolved by the user by correcting the issue indicated.

Error messages

Error messages are based on the Rules. These are displayed on the Vertex e-Invoicing UI.

In this section

VRBL MessagesThe VRBL core messages are the ones that are common to all countries.
PEPPOL MessagesRead the core PEPPOL messages.
EN 16931 MessagesView the messages used for EN 16931.
Belgium: MessagesView the messages for Belgium.
Denmark: MessagesView the messages for Denmark.
Estonia: MessagesView the messages used by Estonia
Finland: MessagesRead about the messages for Finland.
France: MessagesRead about the messages generated for France.
Germany B2B: MessagesRead about the messages that are specific to German B2B documents.
Germany B2G: MessagesRead about the messages that are specific to German B2G documents.
Greece: MessagesView the messages that are specific to Greece.
Italy: MessagesRead the messages that are specific to Italy.
Japan: MessagesView the messages that are specific to Japan.
Lithuania: MessagesRead about the messages for Lithuania.
Malaysia: MessagesView the messages that are specific to Malaysia.
Netherlands: MessagesView the messages that are specific to the Netherlands.
Portugal: MessagesView the messages that are specific to Portugal.
Romania: MessagesRead the rules that are generated for Romanian documents.
Saudi Arabia: MessagesView the messages for Saudi Arabian documents.
Serbia: MessagesView the messages that are specific to Serbia.
Slovakia: MessagesRead about the messages used for Slovakia.
Slovenia: MessagesRead about the messages used for Slovenia.
Spain: MessagesRead about the messages used for Spain.
Sweden: MessagesView the messages that are specific to Sweden.
UK: MessagesRead about the messages used by the UK.