Italy: Delivery Location
You can specify the address that goods are sent to.
Use the Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/
element to specify the address.
Detail | Value |
Italian Specification | (IndirizzoResa) |
Use the following elements if the tax Representative is an organization:
Element | Description |
Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/StreetName | The name of the Street. |
Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/CityName | The name of the City. |
Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/PostalZone | The Postal Zone. |
Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/CountrySubentity | The country sub-entity like a State or Province. See Italy: Supplier'sProvince or State. |
Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/Country/IdentificationCode | The country's ISO code. |
<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
<cbc:StreetName>TEST NR.222</cbc:StreetName>
Updated about 1 month ago