EN 16931: Attachments
You must use one of the permitted values for the mimecode attribute.
You use the mimecode
attribute of the EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject
to specify the type of file that is attached.
More information is provided in the Attachments topic.
Element | Description |
Invoice/AddtionalDocumentReference/Attacment/EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject @mimecode | Use the required value. |
You must use one of the values from the IANA list here.
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<cbc:DocumentDescription>Time sheet<cbc:DocumentDescription>
<cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject mimeCode="text/csv" filename="timesheet.csv">m9iZXJ0IFMuIHdhcyBoZXJlCg==</cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject>
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
Updated about 1 month ago