EN 16931: Intra-Community Supply (K)

A tax category code indicating the item is Tax exempt due to an intra-community supply in the European Economic Area.

Party IDs

If a Document contains a line where the invoiced item's Tax Category Code is Intra-Community Supply, or an allowance or charge with the same Tax Category Code, then you must include the Supplier's Tax Registration ID and/or the their Tax Representative's ID.

If one of the following elements exists:

  • Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/ID = K


  • /Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='false']/TaxCategory/ID = K


  • /Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='true']/TaxCategory/ID = K

Then the following elements are required:

  • /Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyID
  • /Invoice/TaxRepresentativeParty/Party/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyID
  • /Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyID

The Buyer's legal entity is not required. However, we do recommend that you include the following element:

  • /Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PartyLegalEntity/CompanyID

Tax Rate

If an invoiced item's Tax Category is Intra-Community Supply, the tax rate for the item must be zero.

If Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/ID = K, then Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/Percent must be zero.

If a Document-level Allowance's Tax Category is Exempt from VAT, the Document-level allowance's tax rate must be zero.

If Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='false']/TaxCategory/ID = K, then Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='false']/TaxCategory/Percent must be zero.

If a Document-level Charge's Tax Category is Exempt from VAT, the Document-level charge's tax rate must be zero.

If Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='true']/TaxCategory/ID = K, then Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='true']/TaxCategory/Percent must be zero.

Tax Amount

If a Tax Total includes a Tax Category Code that is Intra-Community Supply, the Tax Amount must be zero.

If Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/ID = K, then Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxAmount must be zero.

Tax Exemption

If a Tax Total uses the Intra-Community Supply Tax Category, then you must specify a reason for the exemption.

For example, if Invoice/cac:TaxTotal/cac:TaxSubtotal/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:ID = K, then one of the the following elements must be provided:

  • /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/TaxExemptionReasonCode = VATEX-EU-K


  • Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/TaxExemptionReason = Educational Book Exempt from VAT

Additional Rules

If a Tax Total uses the Intra-Community Supply Tax Category, then the Actual Delivery Date or the Invoicing Period must be included and cannot be blank.

If Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory/ID = K, then one of the following elements must be present and cannot be blank:

  • Invoice/cac:Delivery/cbc:ActualDeliveryDate


  • Invoice/InvoicePeriod/StartDate and Invoice/InvoicePeriod/EndDate

You must also provide the country code of the delivered to country in the /Invoice/Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/Country/IdentificationCode element.


        <!-- Invoice Period (or Actual Delivery Date) -->
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- Seller Tax Registration Identifier -->
            <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- Buyer Tax Registration Identifier -->
            <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- Actual Delivery Date (or Invoice Period) -->
            <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
                    <!-- Deliver To Country Code -->
        <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">0.00</cbc:TaxAmount>
            <cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="EUR">1325</cbc:TaxableAmount>
            <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">0.00</cbc:TaxAmount>
                <!-- Tax Category Code -->
                  <cbc:TaxExemptionReason>Intra-community supply</cbc:TaxExemptionReason>              
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- Tax Category Code -->
        <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->