
Documents is the collective name for e-Invoices and credit notes.

You use the Invoice element to model your Documents. The InvoiceTypeCode element defines whether it is an invoice or credit note. Some countries require specific values for these. See Invoice Types.



These topics are about Documents and the Invoice element, that is the e-invoices in VRBL . References to Additional Documents and attachments are described in the Additional Documents topic.


Elements are the keyblocks that make up VRBL. Information about how to use them to model information is provided in the Modeling Documents section.

The VRBL Elements Reference Guide section lists all the core elements of VRBL.

The VRBL Extensions Reference Guide section lists the Extensions.

Most countries require a similar set of basic elements for each. These are listed in the Mandatory Elements topic.

Additional Documents (Supporting Documents)

Supporting documents that are referenced or attached to the Documents that are sent to Vertex e-Invoicing are called Additional Documents.

In certain circumstances, these can also be attached as described in the Attachments topic.

Document and Invoice Line Level Elements

Elements can be defined on the Document or Line-level, depending on requirements and use cases.

Document level means the element is in the top level of the Invoice element. This code snippet shows some Document level elements:

 <ubl:Invoice xmlns:ubl="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2" xmlns:cac="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2" xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:cec="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2" xmlns:vrbl="urn:vertexinc:vrbl:ExtensionComponent:1">
  	<!-- Original specification MY: MyInvois: -->
  	<!-- Required UBL extensions -->
  						<!-- Unique sender ID. In case of Malaysia always the sender's VAT ID -->
  						<!-- Unique receiver ID. In case of Malaysia always a static value identifies the country (Malaysia) and the target version to be created -->
  	<!-- MY: Invoice type code list: (mandatory) -->
  	<!-- MY codes are not UNTDID 1001 compliant -->
  	<!-- Original code:    01 - Invoice -->
  	<!-- Expected code: VRBL:MY:01 - Invoice -->

Invoice lines are specified in InvoiceLine element. See Invoice Lines. For example:

  		<cbc:InvoicedQuantity unitCode="C62">2</cbc:InvoicedQuantity>
  		<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="MYR">2925.00</cbc:LineExtensionAmount>
  			<cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Sample Description</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>
  			<cbc:Amount currencyID="MYR">225</cbc:Amount>
  			<cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Sample Description</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>
  			<cbc:Amount currencyID="MYR">150</cbc:Amount>

Country Specific Configurations

In this Section

This section contains the following topics:

DocumentsOverview topic for this section.
Invoice TypesYou use the InvoiceTypeCode element to specify a value that represents the type of invoice.
Invoice LinesYou use the InvoiceLine element to specify details that apply to line items.
Credit NotesYou use the Invoice element to model credit notes.