Send Document

Use this request to send a document to Vertex e-Invoicing for processing.

To send a Document, use the POST method and the following URL:

When sending a Document, the VRBL file should be represented as raw XML with Content-Type=application/xml.

Attach the VRBL XML file in the body of the request, for example:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Idempotency-Key: <string>' \
     --header 'content-type: application/xml' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: ••••••' \ 
     --data-binary '@vrbl.xml'


  • You must upload a single Document file with a single request. To upload multiple invoices, you must use individual Send Document requests.
  • The document file size cannot exceed 50 MB in total.
  • Individual attachments cannot exceed 5 MB.
  • The above restrictions are imposed by Vertex e-Invoicing.
  • Some e-invoice recipients may impose more restrictive limits.


API Reference ExampleSend Document


Header parameter

The following parameter should be added as a header:

Idempotency-KeyThis key prevents a Document from being processed more than once. See Idempotency Key.

The body of the request must be a VRBL document as defined in the VRBL User Guide Overview and should be represented as raw XML with Content-Type=application/xml.

Response output

Document IDGUIDThe unique identifier of the document within Vertex e-Invoicing.
Idempotency KeystringThe idempotency key specified in the request.
Transmission DateTimeDateTimeThe date and time at which the submission was received.