EN 16931: Standard Rate (S)
This code specifies that taxes are at a standard rate and is the most common use case.
If a Document contains a line where the invoiced item's Tax Category Code is Standard Rate or a Document-level Allowance or Charge where the Tax Category Code is Standard Rate, then the Document must contain the Supplier's Tax Registration ID and/or the Supplier's Tax Representative's ID.
The following elements are required to provide identifiers for standard rates
If any of the following elements and values are present:
/Invoice/cac:InvoiceLine/cac:Item/cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory/cbc:ID = S
/Invoice/cac:AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator='false']/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:ID = S
/Invoice/cac:AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator='true']/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:ID = S
The following elements are required:
The Buyer's Tax Registration ID and the Buyer's legal entity are not required. However, we do recommend that you include the following elements:
Tax Rate
You must use a tax rate greater than zero for standard rate taxes.
Item Tax Category
If a line in a Document includes the Item Tax Category Code that is the standard rate, the Tax Rate must be greater than zero.
If the Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/ID = S
, then the value for the /Invoice/cac:InvoiceLine/cac:Item/cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory/cbc:Percent
element must be greater than zero.
Document-Level Allowance
If a Document-level Allowance has a Tax Category Code that is the Standard Rate, then the Document-level allowance's tax rate must be greater than zero.
If Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='false']/TaxCategory/cbc:ID = S
, then the Invoice/cac:AllowanceCharge[cbc:ChargeIndicator='false']/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:Percent
must be greater than zero.
Document-Level Charge
If a Document-level Charge has a Tax Category Code that is the Standard Rate, then the Document-level charge's tax rate must be greater than zero.
If Invoice/AllowanceCharge[ChargeIndicator='true']/TaxCategory/ID = S
, then
Tax Amount
The tax amount must be positive for standard rates.
The Tax Category Tax Amount in a tax breakdown where the Tax Category Code is "Standard Rate" shall be greater 0 (zero) and shall equal the Tax Category Taxable Amount multiplied by the Tax Category Rate.
If a tax total contains a standard rate Tax Category, the Tax Amount must be greater than zero.
If Invoice/cac:TaxTotal/cac:TaxSubtotal/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:ID = S
, then Invoice/cac:TaxTotal/cac:TaxSubtotal/cbc:TaxAmount
must be greater than zero.
The Tax Amount is equal to the Taxable Amount multiplied by the percent rate in the Tax Category:
/Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxAmount = /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxableAmount \* /Invoice/TaxTotal/TaxSubtotal/TaxCategory[cbc:ID='S']/Percent
The following example shows a line-level standard rate:
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<!-- Seller Tax Registration Identifier -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<!-- Buyer Tax Registration Identifier -->
<cbc:RegistrationName>Buyer Official Name Ltd.</cbc:RegistrationName>
<!-- Buyer Legal Registration Identifier -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">132.50</cbc:TaxAmount>
<cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="EUR">1325</cbc:TaxableAmount>
<cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">132.50</cbc:TaxAmount>
<!-- Tax Category Code -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<!-- Tax Category Code -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
<!-- code omitted for clarity -->
Updated about 1 month ago