Greece: Additional Document Reference

You must specify the MARK number for Greek suppliers.

The MARK number is the Unique Registration Number attributed by myDATA to the supplier. The MARK number must be a positive integer.

Use the /AdditionalDocumentReference/ID element to specify the MARK number, You also need to specify VRBL:GR:MARK in the description.

When the supplier is Greek, there should be one invoice URL, and there can be no more than one invoice URL. This is the URL for the HTML copy of the Document.

Use the URI element to specify the invoice URL.


Mark Number

Use the following elements to specify the MARK number:

Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/IDSpecify the MARK number.
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/DocumentDescriptionSpecify VRBL:GR:MARK.

Invoice URL

Use the following elements to specify the Document's URL:

Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/Attachment/ExternalReference/URIThe invoice's URL.
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/DocumentDescriptionSpecify VRBL:GR:INVOICEURL.


You must have one Invoice URL, but you cannot have more than one. This is the URL for the HTML copy of the Document.



The following example shows how to model the MARK:

    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->

Document URL

The following example shows how to model the Document URL:

    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->