
Read about how to model Buyers.

You use the AccountingCustomerParty element to model the Buyer's information. This element contains the Party element that you can use to specify information such as:

  • Name and address of the Buyer.
  • Tax Scheme ID
  • The Party's legal entity, if any.

The Party fields are:

Party/EndpointIDThe ID that identifies the endpoint. For example [email protected]
Party/PartyIdentification/IDThe party's ID.
Party/PartyName/NameThe name of the party.
Party/PostalAddressThe party' address.
Party/PostalAddress/StreetNameThe name of the street in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/AdditionalStreetNameAny additional street names in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/CityNameThe name of the city in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/PostalZoneThe postal zone, if any, in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/CountrySubentityCodeThe country subdivision code, usually representing a State or Province.
Party/PostalAddress/Country/IdentificationCodeThe ISO code for the country where the party's address is.
Party/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyIDThe ID of the company who participates in the party's tax scheme.
Party/PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme/IDThe Tax Scheme's ID.
Party/PartyLegalEntity/RegistrationNameThe party's name as it appears on the registration.
PartyLegalEntity/CompanyIDThe Legal Entity's Company ID.
PartyLegalEntity/CompanyLegalFormThe legal form.
Party/Contact/NameThe contact's name.
Party/Contact/TelephoneThe contact's phone number.
Party/Contact/ElectronicMailThe contact's email address.

Buyer References

You may want to make a reference to a Buyer. You can use the Invoice/BuyerReference element to do so. For example:

    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->

This example is from the Germany: German Buyer Reference (Leitweg-ID) topic.

Country Specific Configurations

Country specific configurations are explained in the following topics: