EN 16931: Standard Values

Read about the standard values used in EN 16931


The following subset of the UNTDID 1001 values listed here are allowed:

Invoice Type CodeDescription
71Request for payment
80Debit note related to goods or services
81Credit note related to goods or services
82Metered services invoice
83Credit note related to financial adjustments
84Debit note related to financial adjustments
102Tax notification
130Invoicing data sheet
202Direct payment valuation
203Provisional payment valuation
204Payment valuation
211Interim application for payment
218Final payment request based on completion of work
219Payment request for completed units
261Self billed credit note
262Consolidated credit note - goods and services
295Price variation invoice
296Credit note for price variation
308Delcredere credit note
325Proforma invoice
326Partial invoice
331Commercial invoice which includes a packing list
380Credit note
381Credit note
382Commission note
383Debit note
384Corrected invoice
385Consolidated invoice
386Prepayment invoice
387Hire invoice
388Tax invoice
389Self-billed invoice
390Delcredere invoice
393Factored invoice
394Lease invoice
395Consignment invoice
396Factored credit note
420Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment credit note
456Debit advice
457Reversal of debit
458Reversal of credit
527Self billed debit note
532Forwarder's credit note
553Forwarder's invoice discrepancy report
575Insurer's invoice
623Forwarder's invoice
633Port charges documents
751Invoice information for accounting purposes
780Freight invoice
817Claim notification
870Consular invoice
875Partial construction invoice
876Partial final construction invoice
877Final construction invoice
935Customs invoice