EN 16931: Standard Values
Read about the standard values used in EN 16931.
The following sections list the standard values that you can use with EN 16931:
Invoice type codes (UNTDID 1001 subset)
The following subset of the UNTDID 1001 values listed here are allowed:
Invoice Type Code | Description |
71 | Request for payment |
80 | Debit note related to goods or services |
81 | Credit note related to goods or services |
82 | Metered services invoice |
83 | Credit note related to financial adjustments |
84 | Debit note related to financial adjustments |
102 | Tax notification |
130 | Invoicing data sheet |
202 | Direct payment valuation |
203 | Provisional payment valuation |
204 | Payment valuation |
211 | Interim application for payment |
218 | Final payment request based on completion of work |
219 | Payment request for completed units |
261 | Self billed credit note |
262 | Consolidated credit note - goods and services |
295 | Price variation invoice |
296 | Credit note for price variation |
308 | Delcredere credit note |
325 | Proforma invoice |
326 | Partial invoice |
331 | Commercial invoice which includes a packing list |
380 | Commercial invoice |
381 | Credit note |
382 | Commission note |
383 | Debit note |
384 | Corrected invoice |
385 | Consolidated invoice |
386 | Prepayment invoice |
387 | Hire invoice |
388 | Tax invoice |
389 | Self-billed invoice |
390 | Delcredere invoice |
393 | Factored invoice |
394 | Lease invoice |
395 | Consignment invoice |
396 | Factored credit note |
420 | Optical Character Reading (OCR) payment credit note |
456 | Debit advice |
457 | Reversal of debit |
458 | Reversal of credit |
527 | Self billed debit note |
532 | Forwarder's credit note |
553 | Forwarder's invoice discrepancy report |
575 | Insurer's invoice |
623 | Forwarder's invoice |
633 | Port charges documents |
751 | Invoice information for accounting purposes |
780 | Freight invoice |
817 | Claim notification |
870 | Consular invoice |
875 | Partial construction invoice |
876 | Partial final construction invoice |
877 | Final construction invoice |
935 | Customs invoice |
Party ID type (ISO 6523)
You can use the values from the ISO 6523 list to specify the type of identifier that is used to identify a party. You can use the Party ID type with the Party element for parties such as Buyers, Suppliers, Tax Representatives, Carries, legal entities and so on.
Document identifier (UNTDID 1153)
You can use values from the UNTDID 1153 list to specify the type of identifier that is being used to identify an additional Document. More details are provided in the EN 16931: Additional Supporting Documents topic.
Country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha1)
You can use values from the ISO 3166 codes to specify countries.
Time classification (UNTDID 2005)
You can use values from the UNTDID 2005 list to specify the type of time being recorded. This is a PEPPOL subset.
Duty, tax, or fee categories (UNCL 5305)
You use values from the UNCL 5305 list to specify duty, tax, or fee categories.
Allowance reason codes (UNCL 5189)
You can use values from the UNCL 5189 list to specify reasons for Allowances. More details are provided in the EN 16931: Document-Level Allowances and EN 16931: Line-Level Allowance topics.
Charge reason codes (UNCL 7161)
You can use values from the UNCL 7161 list to specify reason for a Charge. More details are provided in the EN 16931: Document-Level Charges and EN 16931: Line-Level Charges topics.
VAT exemptions (CEF VATEX)
You can use the values from the CEF VATEX list to specify VAT exemptions. More details are provided in the EN 16931: Exempt from Tax (E) topic.
Quantity unit codes (UN/ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension)
You can use the UN/ECE Recommendation 20 with Rec 21 extension here to specify the type of quantity. More details are provided in the Invoiced Quantities topic.
Document types (IANA subset)
You can use the value from the IANA list to specify the type of document that is being attached. More details are provided in the EN 16931: Attachments topic.
Endpoint IDs (CEF EAS)
You can use the values form the CEF EAS list to specify Endpoint IDs for Suppliers and Buyers. More details are provided in the Endpoint IDs topic.
Currencies (ISO 4217 alpha-3)
You can use values from the ISO 4217 alpha-3 code list to specify currencies. More details are provided in the Currencies topic and subtopics.
Payment means code (UNCL4461)
You can use values from the UNCL 4461 list to specify the payment means. More details are provided in the Payment Means topic.
Updated 19 days ago