Supported Countries

Read about the supported countries and regions.




The Configurations and Extensions columns refer to country specific configurations and Extensions. Some countries may have no country specific configurations or extensions, but they may still use Extensions like Sender ID

This table gives an overview of the supported countries and provides links to the sections for each one:

CountryB2BB2GCountry SpecificationsReceiverConfigurationsExtensions
Belgium: OverviewYesYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Belgium: ReceiverNoneNone
Croatia: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Croatia: ReceiverNoneNone
Denmark: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Denmark: ReceiverDenmark: ConfigurationsNone
Estonia: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Estonia: ReceiverNoneNone
Finland: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Finland: ReceiverNoneNone
France: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))France: ReceiverNoneNone
Germany: OverviewYesNo- Country synopsis XRechnung - Specification XRechnung Version 3.0.2 - Syntax Binding XRechnung 3.0.2Germany: ReceiversGermany: Configuration OverviewGermany: Extensions
Greece: OverviewYesYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 - Documentation and usage guide of the Greek Data Format Specifications Standard PEPPOL BIS 3.0 (CIUS)Greece: ReceiverGreece: ConfigurationsGreece: Extensions
Italy: OverviewYesYes- FatturaPA - FatturaPA Controls - AGID UBLItaly: ReceiverItaly: Configuration OverviewItaly: Extensions
Japan: OverviewYesYesPeppol Specifications for Japan implementation of PINTJapan: ReceiverJapan: ConfigurationsNone
Lithuania: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Lithuania: ReceiverNoneNone
Malaysia: OverviewYesYesMalaysian e-Invoice Specifications (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Malaysia: ReceiverMalaysia: Configuration OverviewNone
Netherlands: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Netherlands: ReceiverNetherlands: ConfigurationsNone
Portugal: OverviewNoYesOfficial specification CIUS-PT (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Portugal: ReceiverPortugal: ConfigurationsPortugal: Extensions
Romania: OverviewYesYesPrezentareE-factura.pdf from the Romanian Tax Authority at (based on Universal Business Language(UBL2.1))Romania: ReceiverRomania: Configuration OverviewNone
Saudi Arabia: OverviewYesYesOfficial specification ZATCA (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Saudi Arabia: ReceiverSaudi Arabia: ConfigurationsSaudi Arabia: Extensions
Serbia: OverviewYesyesOfficial specificationSerbia: ReceiverSerbia: ConfigurationsSerbia: Extensions
Slovakia: OverviewNoYesIS EFA (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Slovakia: ReceiversNoneNone
Slovenia: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Slovenia: ReceiversNoneNone
Spain: OverviewNo. See Note 1.No. See Note 1.PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Spain: ReceiverNoneNone
Sweden: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))Sweden: ReceiverSweden: Configurations
UK: OverviewNoYesPEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 (based on Universal Business Language (UBL2.1))UK: ReceiverNoneNone


  • Spain does not support submission to Tax Authorities as explained in the Spain: Overview topic.

Example Documents

The following topics contain example Documents for each country:


This table lists the Receivers used by each country:

Croatia: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_HR_1p0p0
Estonia: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_EE_1p0p0
Finland: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_FI_1p0p0
France: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_FR_1p0p0
Italy: ReceiverGENERIC_IT_FatturaPA_1p2p2GENERIC_IT_FatturaPA_1p2p2
Lithuania: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_LT_1p0p0
Netherlands: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_NL_1p0p0
Portugal: ReceiverNot supportedGENERIC_FE-AP_UBL_CIUS-PT_2p1p1
Saudi Arabia: ReceiverGENERIC_SA_EINVOIC_1p2p0GENERIC_SA_EINVOIC_1p2p0
Serbia: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_RS_1p0p0
Slovakia: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_IS-EFA_UBL_SK_1p0p0
Slovenia: ReceiverNot supportedGENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_SI_1p0p0
Sweden: ReceiverNot supported.GENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_SE_1p0p0
UK: ReceiverNot supportedGENERIC_PEPPOL_UBL_GB_1p0p0


The following countries have country specific Extensions:

The following table lists the topics available in the VRBL Extensions Reference Guide section:

AccountingSupplierPartyExtension (Extn)ProfessionalRegister (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
AdditionalData (Extn)DataType (Extn)Italy: Data Type
Description (Extn)Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) and Italy: Data Type
ReferenceDate (Extn)Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) and Italy: Data Type
ReferenceNumber (Extn)Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines) and Italy: Data Type
AllowanceChargeExtension (Extn)AdministrationReferenceCode (Extn)- Italy: Social Security Administration Reference - Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code - Italy: Social Security Organization Code
OrganisationCode (Extn)Italy: Social Security Organization Code
WithholdingIndicator (Extn)Italy: Social Security Withholding Indicator
BillingSoftware (Extn)Description (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
HashCode (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
Number (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
DocumentReferenceExtension (Extn)LineID (Extn)Portugal: Document Reference ID
InvoiceExtension (Extn)Article73Indicator (Extn)Italy: Article 73 Indicator
BillingSoftware (Extn)Portugal: Billing Software
DigitalStampAmount (Extn)Italy: Digital Stamps
DigitalStampIndicator (Extn)Italy: Digital Stamps
InstallationSerialNumber (Extn)Greece: Installation Serial Number
InvoicedPrepaymentAmount (Extn)Serbia: Advanced Payment Information
InvoiceSeries (Extn)Greece: Invoice Series
InvoiceSubtypeCode (Extn)Greece: Invoice Sub Type Code Saudi Arabia: Invoice Subtype Code
ReducedTotals (Extn)Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals
RoutingDetails (Extn)Receiver ID
Sender ID
SdIReceiverCode (Extn)Italy: SDI Receiver Code
ThirdPartyPayment (Extn)Germany: Third Party Payments
TransmissionFormatCode (Extn)Italy: Transmission Format Code
VehicleDetails (Extn)Italy: Vehicle Details
InvoiceLineExtension (Extn)AdditionalData (Extn)Italy: Data Type
Italy: Tax Exemption Reason Code (Invoice Lines)
TransferOrServiceTypeCode (Extn)Italy: Transfer or Service Type Code
WithholdingIndicator (Extn)Italy: Social Security Withholding Indicator
InvoicedPrepaymentAmount (Extn)ID (Extn)Serbia: Advanced Payment Information
TaxTotal (Extn)Serbia: Advanced Payment Information
PartyLegalEntityExtension (Extn)BaseCapital (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Base Capital
BusinessRegistrationProvinceCode (Extn)Italy: Province for Supplier's Business
PayeePartyExtension (Extn)PersonConfirmingPayment (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
PaymentMeansExtension (Extn)ATMPaymentEntity (Extn)Portugal: ATM Payment Entity
PaymentTermsExtension (Extn)PaymentTermsCode (Extn)Italy: Payment Terms Code
PaymentTermsStartDate (Extn)Italy: Payment Terms Start Date
PersonConfirmingPayment (Extn)FamilyName (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
FirstName (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
FiscalCode (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
Title (Extn)Italy: Payee Data
PriceExtension (Extn)PriceAmountBeforeAllowanceCharge (Extn)Italy: Item Gross Price
ProcessDetails (Extn)BusinessUnit (Extn)Business Unit
CompanyCode (Extn)Company Code
ProfessionalRegister (Extn)CountrySubentity (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
ID (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
Name (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
RegistrationDate (Extn)Italy: Supplier's Professional Register Details
ReducedTotals (Extn)LegalMonetaryTotal (Extn)Serbia: Legal Monetary Totals (for Reduced Totals)
TaxTotal (Extn)Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals
RoutingDetails (Extn)Sender (Extn)Sender ID
Receiver (Extn)Receiver ID
ReceiverDetails (Extn)Receiver ID
TaxSubtotalExtension (Extn)IncidentalCosts (Extn)Italy: Incidental Costs
RoundingAmount (Extn)Italy: Rounding Amount
VatMechanism (Extn)Italy: VAT Mechanism
VehicleDetails (Extn)FirstRegistrationDate (Extn)Italy: Vehicle Details
TotalDistanceCovered (Extn)Italy: Vehicle Details
WithholdingTaxTotalExtension (Extn)PaymentReasonCode (Extn) - Italy: Payment Reason Code - Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code - Portugal: Withholding Tax Total
TypeCode (Extn)Italy: Withholding Tax Type Code

Country Specific Configurations

The following countries have country-specific configurations:

The following countries have no country-specific configurations:


The following country specific rules exist. These countries use these Rules and the VRBL Core Rules:

The following countries use VRBL Core Rules and/or the Peppol Core Rules: