Modeling Totals and Calculations

Read this topic to understand how tax information and calculations are modeled in VRBL.

Totals and subtotals can be used for many reasons such as for tax, allowances, charges, line items, and so on.

You need to be aware of how VRBL assumes that totals are calculated so that you can model them correctly.



Vertex e-Invoicing does not calculate these fields. It checks that your Documents have modeled the totals in accordance with the instructions in this section.

In this section

Document-Level TotalsRead about how Document-level totals are modeled.
Line-Level TotalsRead about how totals are modeled and calculated at the line level.
RoundingRead about the rounding rules that are used for calculations.
Modeling Tax InformationRead about how tax information is modeled.
Modeling Tax CalculationsRead about how tax calculations are modeled in VRBL.