EN-16931: Document-Level Allowances

EN-16931 has certain requirements for Document-level allowances.

You must include the elements and values described in this topic.

More general information about Allowances is provided in the Allowances topic. More information about Tax Categories and Schemes is provided in the Tax Categories and Schemes topic.


Invoice/AllowanceCharge/AllowanceChargeReasonCodeSpecify the reason code using one of the UNTDID 5189 values.
Invoice/AllowanceCharge/TaxCategery/IDSpecify the Tax Category using a code from the UNTDID 5305 list.
Invoice/AllowanceCharge/TaxCategery/TaxScheme/IDSpecify VAT.


  • You must use a value from the UNTDID 5189 list here in the AllowanceChargeReasonCode element.
  • You must specify the Tax Category code in the TaxCategory/ID element.
  • You must use a value from the UNTDID 5305 list here in the TaxCategory/ID element.
  • You must specify VAT in the TaxCategory/TaxScheme/ID element.
  • You may only specify a single Tax Category.


    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>Production error discount</cbc:AllowanceChargeReason>
        <cbc:Amount currencyID="EUR">300</cbc:Amount>
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->