
You can model information about suppliers.

You use the AccountingSupplierParty element to model theSupplier's information. This element contains the Party sub-element, which you can use to define the supplier's information, such as:

  • Name and address of the supplier.
  • Tax Scheme ID
  • Tax IDs such as a VAT ID.

The AccountingSupplierParty element contains the following sub-elements are:

DescriptionAccounting Supplier Party
IncludesParty Object
File Typee-Invoices and Credit Notes

The Party element contains the following sub-elements:

Party/EndpointIDThe ID that identifies the endpoint. For example [email protected]
Party/PartyIdentification/IDThe party's ID.
Party/PartyName/NameThe name of the party.
Party/PostalAddressThe party' address.
Party/PostalAddress/StreetNameThe name of the street in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/AdditionalStreetNameAny additional street names in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/CityNameThe name of the city in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/PostalZoneThe postal zone, if any, in the party's address.
Party/PostalAddress/CountrySubentityCodeThe country subdivision code, usually representing a State or Province.
Party/PostalAddress/Country/IdentificationCodeThe ISO code for the country where the party's address is.
Party/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyIDThe ID of the company who participates in the party's tax scheme.
Party/PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme/IDThe Tax Scheme's ID.
Party/PartyLegalEntity/RegistrationNameThe party's name as it appears on the registration.
PartyLegalEntity/CompanyIDThe Legal Entity's Company ID.
PartyLegalEntity/CompanyLegalFormThe legal form.
Party/Contact/NameThe contact's name.
Party/Contact/TelephoneThe contact's phone number.
Party/Contact/ElectronicMailThe contact's email address.

Country Specific Variations

The following country specific variations exist: