Document Modeling
This section contains introductory topics for high-level topics like Currencies.
This section explains how to model your VRBL Documents.
This covers how to model tax, parties, routing information and other details.
In this section
Topic | Description |
Document Modeling | Overview topic. |
Document- and Line-Level Elements | Elements can be defined at the Document or Line level or both. |
Modelling Totals and Calculations | Read this topic to understand how tax information and calculations are modelled in VRBL. |
Routing Overview | Routing describes the process of delivering a Document to the intended destination, based on a set of variables. |
General Information | Read about the general information that is defined at the Document level. |
Additional Document References | You can reference other documents in your Document. These are called Additional Documents. |
Parties and Party Identification | Read about how to model the parties in your documents. |
Delivery Information | Delivery information about the delivery location and carrier can be modelled. |
Payments | Get and overview of how payments are modelled. |
Credit Notes | Credit notes are usually sent as notification of a refund. |
Currencies | Read about the various ways you can specify the currency in your Documents. |
Legal Monetary Totals | Legal monetary totals are those that are submitted to the Tax Authority. |
Prices, Items, and Amounts | This section explains how to model prices, items and amounts |
Tax | Tax information needs to be modelled. |
Invoice Lines | The details of the goods or services are specified in the invoice lines. You can also specify individual item |
Updated 20 days ago