Document Modeling

This section contains introductory topics for high-level topics like Currencies.

This section explains how to model your VRBL Documents.

This covers how to model tax, parties, routing information and other details.

In this section

Document ModelingOverview topic.
Modelling Totals and CalculationsRead this topic to understand how tax information and calculations are modelled in VRBL.
Document- and Line-Level ElementsElements can be defined at the Document or Line level or both.
Routing OverviewRouting describes the process of delivering a Document to the intended destination, based on a set of variables.
General InformationRead about the general information that is defined at the Document level.
Additional Document ReferencesYou can reference other documents in your Document. These are called Additional Documents.
Parties and Party IdentificationRead about how to model the parties in your documents.
Delivery InformationDelivery information about the delivery location and carrier can be modelled.
PaymentsGet and overview of how payments are modelled.
Credit NotesCredit notes are usually sent as notification of a refund.
CurrenciesRead about the various ways you can specify the currency in your Documents.
Legal Monetary TotalsLegal monetary totals are those that are submitted to the Tax Authority.
Prices, Items, and AmountsThis section explains how to model prices, items and amounts
TaxTax information needs to be modelled.
Invoice LinesThe details of the goods or services are specified in the invoice lines. You can also specify individual item