Delivery Information

Delivery information about the delivery location and carrier can be modelled.

You use the Delivery element to model delivery information such as:

  • The address
  • The ID for the location of the delivery, if any
  • The party who delivered the goods


Delivery/ActualDeliveryDateThe date that the delivery was made in the YYYY-MM-DD format, for example, 2018-10-22.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/IDThe delivery location's identifier.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/The party's address.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/StreetNameThe name of the street in the party's address.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/AdditionalStreetNameAny additional street names in the party's address.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/CityNameThe name of the city in the party's address.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/PostalZoneThe postal zone, if any, in the party's address.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/CountrySubentityThe country subdivision code, usually representing a State or Province.
Delivery/DeliveryLocation/Address/Country/IdentificationCodeThe ISO code for the country where the party's address is.
Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyName/NameThe name of the party who delivered the goods.
Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyTaxScheme/CompanyIDThe company ID of the party who delivered the goods.
Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyTaxScheme/TaxScheme/IDThe Tax Scheme ID of the deliverer.
Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyLegalEntity/RegistrationNameThe deliverer's registered legal entity name.
Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyLegalEntity/CompanyIDThe company ID of the registered legal entity name.


Carriers are the party who delivers or partially delivers the goods. You can also use the Delivery/DeliveryParty/PartyName to name the party who delivered the goods.

Delivery terms

You can use the DeliveryTerms element to model any terms that might be attached to a delivery.

Shipment information

You can use the Shipment element to specify shipment information.

Country-Specific configurations


Delivery location

    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
        <cbc:StreetName>14 Strass</cbc:StreetName>
        <cbc:AdditionalStreetName>4. OG</cbc:AdditionalStreetName>
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->

Delivery terms

	<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
	<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->

Shipment information

        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                <cbc:Description>free text</cbc:Description>
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->