Get Additional Document Data

Use this request to retrieve additional raw data related to the document.

To retrieve additional raw data, use the GET method and the following URL:{documentId}/{format}


API Reference TopicGet Additional Data from the Invoice

Invoice data

Every Document handled by Vertex e-Invoicing is accessible through this request. The VRBL payload contains the canonical representation of the Document and is the recommended format for programmatically extracting information from the invoice because it is a consistent format across all jurisdictions supported by Vertex e-Invoicing.

The following formats are supported:

VRBLThe full representation of the invoice in the canonical form described by the VRBL User Guide
PDFA human-readable version of selected information in the invoice
LegalDocumentThe legal representation of the invoice
• For Inbound invoices, this is the exact document received.
• For Outbound invoices, this is the invoice as transmitted to the network.
ArchiveA ZIP file containing all artifacts related to the invoice. For a completed invoice, this always includes the VRBL, PDF, and legal document, and may include additional files like confirmations, acknowledgments, signature files, or timestamps depending on the jurisdiction.
AttachmentsA ZIP file containing any attached files embedded in the VRBL document.
AllAll of the formats are retrieved.

Multiple formats can be retrieved in a single request by specifying All or by specifying a comma-delimited list of formats, for example:,PDF,LegalDocument

The response for multiple format requests will include a content type of multipart/mixed and a Content-ID header.

Request parameters

The following parameters can be specified in requests:

Path ParameterTypeDescription
documentIdGUIDThe unique identifier of the document within Vertex e-Invoicing.
formatStringOne or more of the following values:
• LegalDocument
• Archive
• Attachments
• All

Response output

The body of the response will be the raw content of the invoice for the specified format. For example, if the format is VRBL, the response has Content-Type=application/xml and the body contains the VRBL representation of the invoice.