Japan: Line-Level Tax Information

In Japan, you must specify certain tax information for each invoice line.

Use the ClassifiedTaxCategory sub-element of the Item element to model this information in each InvoiceLine element.


Each InvoiceLine element must contain the following sub-elements:

Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/IDUse a value from the UNCL5305 list.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/PercentSpecify the percentage tax rate.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/ClassifiedTaxCategory/TaxSchemeIDSpecify VAT.


The following restrictions apply to Standard, Self-Billed, and non-Tax Japanese Documents.

  • The ClassifiedTaxCategory/ID must use values from the UNCL5305 list.
  • The ClassifiedTaxCategory/TaxScheme/ID sub-element of the TaxScheme element must use VAT. For Vertex e-Invoicing in Japan, VAT stands for Consumption Tax. This value is derived from the UNECE 5153 list.


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