PEPPOL: Modeling Overview

Get an overview of the basics of PEPPOL.


PEPPOL is a standard network that can be used to route Documents.

The topics here describe specific requirements for PEPPOL. You may need these if you want to send B2B Documents to a party.

PEPPOL Business Interoperability Standard (BIS) Billing 3.0

PEPPOL BIS provides a set of specifications for implementing a PEPPOL-based business process. The billing process is used widely for e-invoicing. The PEPPOL BIS specification is a Core Invoice Usage Specification (CIUS) of EN-16931, following the guidance given in chapter 7 of the EN-16931. Any instance documents compliant to the PEPPOL BIS Billing specification will also be compliant with the European Standard (EN 16931).

PEPPOL BIS also defines its own set of rules and restricts EN16931 in multiple ways. The specification can be found here.

From a VRBL perspective, many rules and requirements specified in Peppol BIS Billing 3.0 are already met in EN-16931 and in VRBL.

PEPPOL shares many common requirements and configurations with VRBL. These are described in the topics in the Modelling Documents section.

This section contains topics that discuss exceptional use cases where PEPPOL may differ or require certain values.



PEPPOL BIS billing also defines country-specific rules. In the VRBL implementation, these rules are listed in the Rules section and in each country section, like for example Germany: Rules.

Further Information

You can get more information about PEPPOL 3.0 BIS here.


The rules used for PEPPOL are listed in the PEPPOL Core Rules topic.


The following countries use PEPPOL:

In this Section

PEPPOL Invoice Type CodesYou need to specify the invoice type in your PEPPOL Documents.
PEPPOL Buyer ReferenceYou must specify a reference to the buyer.
PEPPOL Order ReferenceYou can provide a reference to the order.
PEPPOL PartiesYou must include references to Buyers and Suppliers in your PEPPOL Documents.
PEPPOL Payment Mandate ReferenceIf you model a direct debit payment, you must include the payment mandate reference identifier.
PEPPOL Allowances and ChargesAllowances and Charges can be specified at the Document (Invoice) or Line (Invoice Line) level.
PEPPOL Tax ExemptionsPEPPOL requires that you model Tax Exemptions in a specific manner.
PEPPOL: RulesThe Rules used for PEPPOL.