Germany: Credit Transfer

If you specify Credit Transfer as the Payment Means, you must specify the Payee's bank account.

This element is mandatory if you specify 50 or58 in the PaymentMeansCodè sub-element (indicating a credit transfer), as described in the Germany: Payment Means Code topic.


Invoice/PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/IDSpecify the Payee's bank account ID, for example, DE091111222233334444.
Invoice/PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/NameSpecify the payment account's name.
Invoice/PaymentMeans/PayeeFinancialAccount/FinancialInstitutionBranch/IDSpecify the identifier of the payment service provider where the payment account is located.


    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <cbc:Name>[Payment account name]</cbc:Name>
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->