Italy: Buyer Configuration

Get an overview ofthe buyer configurations for Italy.

Use the AccountingCustomerParty element to model Buyer details.

In This Section

The following configuration topics are relevant for Buyers in Italy:

Italy: Buyer's EORI CodeYou can include the Buyer's EORI number.
Italy: Buyer's Fiscal CodeYou must specify a Buyers Fiscal code if you do not specify a VAT number for them.
Italy: Buyer's Postal AddressYou can specify a Buyer's state or province.
Italy: Buyer Natural PersonIf the Buyer is a person rather than a legal entity like a business, you must specify the person's details.
Italy: Buyer's Permanent Italian EstablishmentYou can specify the permanent address of a buyer who is not resident in Italy.
Italy: Buyer's Tax RepresentativeIf the Buyer has a Tax Representative and they must be present on the Document, you must specify the details.
Italy: NSO Reference for BuyersIf you want, you can specify an Nodo Smistamento Ordini (NSO) reference for a buyer.
Italy: Buyer Accounting ReferenceYou can specify a reference to the Buyer's financial accounts.