Germany: Additional Documents
If you attach a document using the AdditionalDocumentReference element, you must specify an ID.
Use the AdditionalDocumentReference to model this information. This element is required if you attach a file.
Element | Description |
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/ID | You must use a unique name for the file. |
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/DocumentDescription | Specify a description. |
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/Attachment/EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject | The attachment coded in Base 64. |
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/Attachment/EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject [mimeCode] | Specify the type of file, for example, application/pdf for a PDF. |
Invoice/AdditionalDocumentReference/Attachment/EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject [filename] | Specify the name of the files. |
<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
<cbc:DocumentDescription>Aufschlüsselung der einzelnen Leistungspositionen</cbc:DocumentDescription>
<cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject mimeCode="application/pdf" filename="01_15_Anhang_01.pdf">JVBERi0xLjUNCiW1tbW1DQoxIDAgb2JqDQo8PC9UeXB...</cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject>
<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
Updated about 1 month ago