Italy: Unit Price Allowance

You can specify an allowance that is applied to the unit price on the line-item level.

Use the AllowanceCharge sub-element of the Price element to model the allowance on a unit price.

General information about Allowances is provided in the Allowances topic.

General information about pricing is provided in the Prices topic.


Italian Specification2.2.1.10 (ScontoMaggiorazione)


Invoice/InvoiceLine/Price/AllowanceCharge/ChargeIndicatorIndicates if an allowance is present.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Price/AllowanceCharge/MultiplierFactorNumericThe percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the document level allowance base amount, to calculate the document level allowance or charge amount.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Price/AllowanceCharge/AmountSpecify the amount after the allowance is deducted.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Price/AllowanceCharge/Amount [@currencyID]Specify the currency.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Price/AllowanceCharge/BaseAmountSpecify the amount that the allowance is deducted from.
Invoice/InvoiceLine/Price/AllowanceCharge/BaseAmount [@currencyID]Specify the currency.


    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- Charge Indicator ( <Tipo>) -->
                <!-- Percentage ( <Percentuale>) -->
                <!-- Amount ( <Importo>) -->
                <cbc:Amount currencyID="EUR">3.00</cbc:Amount>
                <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="EUR">60.00</cbc:BaseAmount>
        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->