Portugal: Invoice Type Code

Portugal requires that you use specific values for the Invoice Type Code.

Use the InvoiceTypeCode element to specify one of the required values.


Invoice/InvoiceTypeCodeSpecify one the of the required values.


  • Self-billed invoices are not supported.
  • You must use one of the following values. These are a subset of the UNTDID 1001 list. You can also use the AT reporting codes listed here.
381Credit Note
383Debit Note
386Prepayment invoice
VRBL:PT:FTInvoice, issued in accordance with Article 36 of the VAT Code
VRBL:PT:FSSimplified invoice, issued under the terms of article 40 of the VAT Code
VRBL:PT:FRReceipt invoice
VRBL:PT:NDDebit Note
VRBL:PT:NCCredit Note
VRBL:PT:RPPremium or premium receipt
VRBL:PT:REChargeback or chargeback receipt
VRBL:PT:CSCharge to co-insurers
VRBL:PT:LDCharge to lead co-insurer
VRBL:PT:RAReinsurance acceptance


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