Italy: Payment Means Codes

Italy requires that you use the specified payment means codes.

Use the PaymentMeans element to model this information.


Invoice/PaymentMeans/PaymentMeansCodeUse one of the allowed values.


You must use one of the following values:

VRBLUNCL 4461Description
VRBL:IT:MP02Not applicablecheck
VRBL:IT:MP03Not applicablebanker's draft
VRBL:IT:MP04Not applicablecash at treasury
VRBL:IT:MP0530 and 58bank transfer
VRBL:IT:MP06Not applicablemoney order
VRBL:IT:MP07Not applicablepre-compiled bank payment slip
VRBL:IT:MP0848, 54, 55payment card
VRBL:IT:MP0949direct debit
VRBL:IT:MP10Not applicableutilities direct debit
VRBL:IT:MP11Not applicablefast direct debit
VRBL:IT:MP12Not applicablecollection order
VRBL:IT:MP13Not applicablepayment by notice
VRBL:IT:MP14Not applicabletax office quittance
VRBL:IT:MP15Not applicabletransfer to special accounting accounts
VRBL:IT:MP16Not applicableorder for direct payment from bank account
VRBL:IT:MP17Not applicableorder for direct payment from post office account
VRBL:IT:MP18Not applicablebulletin postal account
VRBL:IT:MP1959SEPA Direct Debit
VRBL:IT:MP20Not applicableSEPA Direct Debit CORE
VRBL:IT:MP21Not applicableSEPA Direct Debit B2B
VRBL:IT:MP22Not applicableDeduction on sums already collected
VRBL:IT:MP23Not applicablePagoPA


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