Price Details

You can add price details at the line level.

Use the Price element to model this information.

More information is provided in the Prices topic.

More information about Allowances is provided in the Allowances topic.


/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/PriceAmountThe price of an item, exclusive of tax, after subtracting item price discount.
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/PriceAmount @currencyIDThe price currency. See Currencies
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/BaseQuantityThe number of item units to which the price applies.
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/BaseQuantity @unitCodeThe unit of measure for the base quantity.
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/AllowanceCharge/ChargeIndicatorMandatory element. Value must be false
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/AllowanceCharge/AmountThe total discount subtracted from the Item gross price to calculate the Item net price.
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/AllowanceCharge/Amount @currencyIDThe amount currency. See Currencies
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/AllowanceCharge/BaseAmountThe unit price, exclusive of tax, before subtracting Item price discount.
/Invoice/InvoiceLine/Item/Price/AllowanceCharge/BaseAmount @currencyIDThe base amount currency. See Currencies


    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
            <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="EUR">90.00</cbc:PriceAmount>
            <cbc:BaseQuantity unitCode="H87">1.00</cbc:Value>
                <cbc:Amount currencyID="EUR">10.00</cbc:Amount>
                <cbc:BaseAmount currencyID="EUR">100.00</cbc:BaseAmount>
        <!-- code omitted for clarity -->