Receiver Details

In certain use cases, you need to add some details about the recipient.

When you send a Document to a party such as a Supplier or Buyer, you also need to add details using the ReceiverDetails subelement of the Receiver (Extn) Extension.

You also need to specify an Endpoint ID as described in the Endpoint IDs topic.


UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/RoutingDetails/ ReceiverDetailsDetails about the Receiver.

This table summarizes the required values for different situations:

ScenarioNetwork/FormatReceiverDetailsEndpointIDEndpointID @schemeID
B2BPEPPOLNot applicable.Endpoint ID. Usually a VAT ID.EAS Scheme ID
B2BSMTP (email)Recipient's email addressNot applicable.9930
B2GPEPPOLNot applicable.Endpoint ID. Usually a VAT ID.EAS Scheme ID
B2GSMTP (email)Recipient's email addressRecipient's email addressVRBL:DE:EM


B2B communications are sent to or from Vertex e-Invoicing to or from a business. These can be sent using the PEPPOL network or via email using SMTP.


This example shows a Buyer's PEPPOL Endpoint ID, in this case a VAT ID (DE123456789). The 9930 indicates the type of EAS network that the ID belongs to:

            <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="9930">n/a</cbc:EndpointID>


The following example shows a buyer who uses email rather than PEPPOL. Their email address is specified in the ReceiverDetails Extension:

    <vrbl:ReceiverDetails>[email protected]</vrbl:ReceiverDetails>

            <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="9930">n/a</cbc:EndpointID>


B2G communications are sent to or from a Tax Authority or government.


This example shows a B2G communication to a PEPPOL Endpoint ID, in this case a VAT ID (DE123456789). The 9930 indicates the type of EAS network that the ID belongs to:

            <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="9930">DE123456789</cbc:EndpointID>


This example shows a B2G to an email address. The @schemeID is VRBL:DE:EM. The same email address is used in the ReceiverDetails element.

    <vrbl:ReceiverDetails>[email protected]</vrbl:ReceiverDetails>

            <cbc:EndpointID schemeID="VRBL:DE:EM">[email protected]</cbc:EndpointID>