
Read about terms that are used frequently in this site.

General terms

The following table lists some general terms:

AADEGreek Independent Authority of Public Revenue. See Greece: Overview.
AgIDThe Agency for Digital Italy (AgID). See Italy: Buyer's Tax Representative.
AllowanceAn allowed reduction in a transaction's total amount. See Allowances.
BuyerThe party who purchases the goods. See Buyers.
Business-to-Business (B2B)Business-to-Business (B2B) communications are sent between two businesses.
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)Business-to-Consumer (B2C) communications are sent between a business and a customer or consumer.
Business-to-Government (B2G)Business-to-Government (B2G) communications are sent between a business and a Government.
CertEXCertified Exporter (CertEX) in Malaysia. See Malaysia: Supplier's CertEX Authorization Number.
ChargeA cost that is imposed on a transaction that increases the total amount. See Charges.
CIPEThe Inter-ministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) in Italy that issues Unified Project Codes (UPCs). See Italy: Project Reference.
Credit NoteA document that is issued, usually after a refund, that usually credits the buyer.
Debit NoteA document that is issued to inform the recipient of a debt obligation.
DocumentThe e-invoice or credit note file as specified in VRBL. See Modeling Documents.
DUCDocumento Único de Cobrança. Used in Portugal. See Portugal: Remittance Information and Portugal: Payment Means Type Code.
e-invoiceThe electronic version of the invoice that is sent to the Tax Authority by the service.
e-InvoicingThe process that refers to submitting invoices electronically to Tax Authorities.
EN-16931The European Standard EN-16931 is an 8-part series of standards developed by the European Technical Committee CEN/TC 434. It defines a uniform semantic data model for e-invoices in Europe.
EORIEconomic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI). See Italy: Overview.
ExtensionElements that were added to Vertex Universal Standard (VRBL) to extend the functionality of the Universal Business Language (UBL). See Extensions.
Leitweg-IDAn ID that is issued by German Tax Authorities (at the State level) to participants in the scheme. See Germany: German Buyer Reference (Leitweg-ID).
myDATAThe my Digital Accounting and Tax Application (myDATA) is a portal created by the Greek Tax Authority. See Greece: Additional Document Reference.
NSOThe Nodo Smistamento Ordini is the ordering platform for the public sector in Italy. See Italy: NSO Reference for Buyers.
Payment MeansThe method of payment. See Payment Means.
PEPPOLThe Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line (PEPPOL) is a standard for submitting e-invoices.
Poreski Identifikacioni Broj (PIB)A 9-digit numerical value that can represent legal entities, entrepreneurs, permanent business units of non-resident legal entities, and non-resident natural persons in Serbia.
ReceiverThe value that specifies the recipient of the Document. Used in routing.
RulesRules that govern the content that must be present in the document. See Rules.
SchematronThe rules-based language for checking patterns in XML files for a specific Document, such as an invoice or credit note. See Rules, Schematrons, and Receivers
SDIThe Sistema di Interscambio, the Italian e-invoicing system. See Italy: SDI Receiver Code.
SupplierThe party who sells the goods. See Suppliers.
Tax AuthorityThe institution that the service sends the Document to.
Tax CategoryThe group of information about the type of tax, including the Tax Scheme. See Tax Categories and Schemes.
Tax Identifier Number (TIN)ID used for tax purposes in countries such as Serbia.
Tax SchemeA type of tax such as Value Added Goods (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST). See Tax Categories and Schemes.
Universal Business Language (UBL)The format upon which the Vertex Universal Standard (VRBL) is based.
Unique Master Citizen Number (JMGB)Serbian 13-digit numerical value that can represent individuals.
UPCUnified Project Code that is used in Italy. Issued by the Inter-ministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE). See Italy: Project Reference.
Vertex e-InvoicingThe name of this Vertex service that enables you to upload invoices for submission to Tax Authorities and transmission to buyers.
Vertex Universal Standard (VRBL)The business language format for Documents that you send to Vertex e-Invoicing. VRBL is based on the Universal Business Language (UBL). See VRBL Overview.

REST API terms

The following terms relate to the REST API:

Method (HTTP Operation)An HTTP method specifies the type of action that should be taken on a resource on a server.

In REST, there are several standard methods like GET, POST, and so on. Each of these performs a different technical function. For example, you might use a GET method to retrieve information from an endpoint.
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)This is the part of the URL that does not include the endpoint. It specifies where the service is hosted.
EndpointEndpoints are logical collections of resources that are represented by a unique URL. Endpoints tend to represent logical groupings. For example, all employee records might be represented in one endpoint and all customer records might be another endpoint. The endpoint is usually represented as something like /api/tax or /api/refund in the endpoint URL.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)This is the combination of the URI and the endpoint, for example,
Request Body (JSON)Each request can have text attached to the body of the request. This is usually in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The request also returns information in the fields of the request body that is attached to the response. The output fields can match the input fields or it can differ. Messages can also be sent in the response.