EN 16931: Invoicing Period

You can use a code to represent the type of Tax Point Date, such as delivery date.

Use the InvoicePeriod element to model this information. You use the DescriptionCode subelement to specify the type of tax point date. You must use a code from the UNTDID 2005 list here.

More information about invoice periods is provided in the Invoicing Period topic.


Invoice/InvoicePeriod/StartDateSpecify a start date.
Invoice/InvoicePeriod/EndDateSpecify an end date.
Invoice/InvoicePeriod/DescriptionCodeSpecify the type of tax point date.


You must use a code from the UNTDID 2005 list here for the DescriptionCode element.


    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->
        <!-- Delivery date/time, actual -->
    <!-- code omitted for clarity -->