Japan: Messages
View the messages that are specific to Japan.
Description | Topic |
[VRBL-JP-1]-The Line Item Price expects a maximum of one Line Item Price Allowance Charge. | Prices |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-1]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Invoice Type Code must be "380" or "480". | Japan: Invoice Type Codes |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-2]-When the Supplier is Japanese, and the Tax Currency Code is present, it must be "JPY". | Japan: Tax Accounting Currency |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-5]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Supplier Tax Identifier must be provided. | Japan: Supplier's Tax Scheme |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-6]-When the Supplier is Japanese, and a date of the Invoice Period or the Line Item Invoice Period is on and after October 1st 2023, the Supplier VAT Company ID must be coded by using a Registration Number for Qualified Invoice purpose in Japan, which consists of "T" followed by 13 digits. | Japan: Supplier's Tax Scheme |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-7]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then each Charge must provide the Charge Tax Category ID and the Charge Tax Category Percent, except if the Charge is outside the scope of tax. | Japan: Allowances and Charges (Document Level) |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-8]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then each Allowance must provide the Allowance Tax Category ID and the Allowance Tax Category Percent, except if the Allowance is outside the scope of tax. | Japan: Allowances and Charges (Document Level) |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-9]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Tax Subtotal Category ID must be one of the following values: AA, E, S, G, O | Japan: Tax Category |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-10]-When the Supplier is Japanese, and the Total Tax Amount Currency Code is "JPY", then the Total Tax Amount must not have decimals. | Japan: Tax Amounts |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-11]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Tax Subtotal Tax Scheme ID must use "VAT" from UNECE 5153 code list. VAT means Consumption Tax in Japan. | Japan: Tax Category |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-12]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Invoice Tax Subtotal Amount = Invoice Tax Subtotal Taxable Amount x ( Invoice Tax Subtotal Tax Category Percent div 100), rounded to integer. The rounded result amount shall be between the floor and the ceiling. | Japan: Tax Amounts |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-13]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then each Line Item must be categorized with the Line Item Classified Tax Category ID and the Line Item Classified Tax Category Percent. | Japan: Line-Level Tax Information |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-14]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Line Item Classified Tax Category ID must be one of the following values: AA, E, S, G, O | Japan: Line-Level Tax Information |
[VRBL-JP-1p0p0-15]-When the Supplier is Japanese, then the Line Item Classified Tax Category Tax Scheme ID must use "VAT" from UNECE 5153 code list. VAT means Consumption Tax in Japan. | Japan: Line-Level Tax Information |
[VRBL-JP-2]-The Line Item Price Allowance Charge Charge Indicator must always be 'false', as the difference must be stated as a reduction. | Allowances |
[VRBL-JP-3]-Each Allowance must have Allowance Allowance Charge Reason or Allowance Allowance Charge Reason Code | Allowances |
[VRBL-JP-4]-Each Line Item Allowance must include the Line Item Allowance Allowance Charge Reason or the Line Item Allowance Allowance Charge Reason Code | Allowances |
Updated 5 months ago