Portugal: Standard Values

Read about the standard values used for Portugal.

Invoice Type Codes (UNTDID 1001)

You must use one of the following values. These are a subset of the UNTDID 1001 list. You can also use the AT reporting codes listed here. More details are provided in the Portugal: Invoice Type Code topic.

381Credit Note
383Debit Note
386Prepayment invoice
VRBL:PT:FTInvoice, issued in accordance with Article 36 of the VAT Code
VRBL:PT:FSSimplified invoice, issued under the terms of article 40 of the VAT Code
VRBL:PT:FRReceipt invoice
VRBL:PT:NDDebit Note
VRBL:PT:NCCredit Note
VRBL:PT:RPPremium or premium receipt
VRBL:PT:REChargeback or chargeback receipt
VRBL:PT:CSCharge to co-insurers
VRBL:PT:LDCharge to lead co-insurer
VRBL:PT:RAReinsurance acceptance

Payment Means

You have 4 options for how to model the payment means code in Portugal. More details for the first 3 are provided in the Portugal: Payment Means Type Code topic.

Payment Means Codes (UNL 4461)

You can use the following values from the UNCL 4461 list to model the payment means:

30Credit transfer
48Bank card
49Direct debit
57Standing agreement
58SEPA credit transfer
59SEPA direct debit

Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority List

The following values from the Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority list are allowed:

VRBL:PT:CCCredit card
VRBL:PT:CDDebit card
VRBL:PT:CHBank check
VRBL:PT:CIInternational documentary credit
VRBL:PT:COGift check or card
VRBL:PT:CSClearing of current account balances
VRBL:PT:DEElectronic money, for example residing on loyalty or points cards
VRBL:PT:LCCommercial bill
VRBL:PT:MBPayment references for Multibanco
VRBL:PT:OUOther means not indicated here
VRBL:PT:PRExchange of goods
VRBL:PT:TBBank transfer or authorized direct debit
VRBL:PT:TRExtra-paid compensation vouchers regardless of their support, e.g. meal vouchers, education vouchers, etc.

DUC Payment

Alternatively, you can make a Documento Único de Cobrança (DUC) payment using the following value:


Remittance Information

You must use one of the following values for remittance information. More details are provided in the Portugal: Remittance Information topic.

VRBL:PT:MBTo indicate the ATM Payment reference.
VRBL:PT:ZZZThe payment reference number regarding a DUC payment.

Tax Category IDs

The TaxCategory/ID element must use one of the following values. More details are provided in the Portugal: Tax Category (Tax Exemptions) and Portugal: Invoice Line Tax Information topics.

AALower rate
SStandard rate
ZZero rated goods
AEVAT Reverse Charge
GFree export item, VAT not charged
OServices outside scope of tax
REDReduced rate
NORNormal rate
OUTOthers, applicable to special VAT schemes
NAIn case of non-subjection to VAT or IS. On receipts issued without itemized tax.
ICIntra-Community VAT

Tax Scheme IDs (UNCL 5153)

The TaxScheme/ID element must use one of the UNCL 5153 list. Usually it is VAT. More details are provided in the

Item type identification (UNCL 7143)

You can use values from the UNCL 7143 list to specify the type of classification used to classify an item. More details are provided in the Portugal: Item Commodity Classification topic.

Buyer accounting references (Commitment Document (Número do compromisso))

If you want to model an accounting reference for a Buyer in Portugal, you muse the (Commitment Document (Número do compromisso). More details are provided in the Portugal: Buyer Accounting Reference topic.


This section lists the attributes that require specific values for this country.

Document Reference IDs

You must use specific values for document reference IDs. More details are provided in the Portugal: Document Reference ID

Order and Billing References

For order and billing references, you must one of the following codes in the InvoiceLine/DocumentReference/ID @schemeID attribute.

CTOrder Number
IVBilling reference number
VRBL:PT:COMMITMENTCommitment Document Number (Número do compromisso)

Commitment Document (Número do compromisso)

If you want to model the Commitment Document (Número do compromisso), you must use VRBL:PT:COMMITMENT in the @schemeID attribute of the DocumentReferenceExtension (Extn) Extension.