Italy: Vehicle Details

You can specify details about vehicle registration and the distance covered.

Use the VehicleDetails (Extn) Extension to specify this information.

Use the FirstRegistrationDate (Extn) Extension to specify the date on which the vehicle was first registered.

Use the TotalDistanceCovered (Extn) Extension to specify the distance covered by car in kilometres. You can also specify a journey by boat or plane in hours.



Data related to vehicles referred to in Article 38, paragraph 4 of Decree Law 331 of 1993.

Italian Specifications

ElementItalian Specification
FirstRegistrationDate2.3.1 (DatiVeicoli/Data)
TotalDistanceCovered2.3.2 (TotalePercorso)


Invoice/UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/ ProcessDetails/VehicleDetails/FirstRegistrationDateSpecify the date on which the vehicle was first registered.
Invoice/UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/ ProcessDetails/VehicleDetails/TotalDistanceCoveredSpecify the distance covered by car, plane, or train in kilometers. You can also specify a journey by boat or plane in hours.


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