VRBL Elements Reference Guide
This section contains all the elements that you can use to build your documents.
Elements are the XML tags that provide that values that are used to fill fields in the e-invoice and credit note documents.
Using Element Reference Topics
Details are provided for each element in a Details table like this one:
Detail | Value |
Name | The name of the Element, for example: AccountingCost . |
Path | The path where the Element is placed in the hierarchy. If an element is at Document or Line Level only, the path is listed here. |
Document-Level Path | The Document-level path. This is used when an Element can be used at both the Document and Line Levels. |
Line-Level Path | The Line-level path. This is used when an Element can be used at both the Document and Line Levels. |
Definition | A definition for the Element. |
Cardinality | The cardinality of the Element, for example: 0..1. |
DataType | The data type, where available, for example: Text.Type . |
In This Section
Topic | Description |
AccountingCost | The buyer's accounting code, applied to the Invoice as a whole, expressed as text. |
AccountingCustomerParty | Use this element to model the a buyer's details. |
AccountingSupplierParty | Use this element to model the supplier's information in an invoice or credit note. |
AdditionalDocumentReference | Use this element to model references to additional documents. |
AllowanceCharge | Use the AllowanceCharge element to model allowances and charges. |
BillingReference | Use this element to model billing reference information. |
BuyerReference | A reference provided by the buyer used for internal routing of the document. |
CustomizationID | Identifies a user-defined customization of UBL for a specific use. |
Delivery | Use the Delivery element to model delivery information. |
DeliveryTerms | A set of delivery terms associated with this document. |
DocumentCurrencyCode | A code signifying the default currency for this document. |
ID | An identifier for this document, assigned by the sender. |
Invoice | The Invoice object is the highest level object in a Document. |
InvoiceLine | Use the InvoiceLine element to model a line in an invoice. |
InvoiceNote | You can add a note to a Document. |
InvoicePeriod | Use the InvoicePeriod element to model the time during which the invoice remains valid. |
InvoiceTypeCode | A code signifying the type of the Document. |
IssueDate | The date, assigned by the sender, on which this document was issued. |
IssueTime | The time, assigned by the sender, at which this document was issued. |
Item | Items are the good or service that is sold on an invoice line or specified in a credit note. |
ItemPriceExtension | Use this to model price extensions for an item. |
LegalMonetaryTotal | Use this element to specify the legal monetary total. |
LineCountNumeric | The number of lines in the document. |
Note | Free-form text pertinent to this document, conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. |
OrderReference | Use this element to model order reference information. |
OriginatorDocumentReference | A reference to an originator document associated with this document. |
Party | The Party element models a party's details. |
PayeeParty | Use the PayeeParty element to model the payee's information. |
PaymentMeans | Use this element to model the means of payment. |
PaymentTerms | Use the PaymentTerms element to model notes about the payment. |
PrepaidPayments | Use this element to model prepaid payments. |
Price | Use the Price element to model the price of an item. |
ProjectReference | Information about a project. |
ProfileID | Identifies a user-defined profile of the customization of UBL being used. |
Shipment | Use this element to model shipping details. |
StatementDocumentReference | A reference to a Statement associated with this document. |
SellerSupplierParty | The seller. |
TaxCategory | Use this element to specify Tax Category information. |
TaxCurrencyCode | A code signifying the currency used for tax amounts in the Invoice. |
TaxExchangeRate | The exchange rate between the document currency and the tax currency. |
TaxPointDate | The date of the Invoice, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable. |
TaxRepresentativeParty | The tax representative. |
TaxScheme | Use this element to model Tax Scheme information. |
TaxSubtotal | Use the Tax Subtotal object to model tax subtotals. |
TaxTotal | Use the Tax Total element to model the total amount of tax. |
UBLExtensions | A container for extensions foreign to the document. |
UBLVersionID | Identifies the earliest version of the UBL 2 schema for this document type that defines all of the elements that might be encountered in the current instance. |
WithholdingTaxTotal | The total withholding tax. |
Updated 3 months ago