Routing Overview

Routing describes the process of delivering a Document to the intended destination, based on a set of variables.

This topic explains the basic concepts that are relevant to routing and provide links to topics with more details on each.


Recipients are the parties to whom a Document can be sent. These are described in the Recipients topic.


The sender is generally you, the Vertex e-Invoicing customer. This is explained in the Sender ID topic.


You can send Documents to recipients who use networks such as PEPPOL. This is described in the Networks topic.

Routing details

The service uses 3 variables to help ensure correct routing:

  • Sender ID: A unique ID is sent in the Sender element.
  • Receiver IDs: Each country requires specific Receivers identified by the Receiver ID that uniquely define the target country that the message is routed to and the document format that the Document is converted to before submission to the Tax Authority.
  • Specification IDs: All Documents use urn:vertexinc:vrbl:billing:1 for the CustomizationID element.

To enable routing, you need to specify values for the following elements:

UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/RoutingDetails/SenderA unique identifier for the sender. See Sender ID.
UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/RoutingDetails/ReceiverThe receiver's ID. This needs to specify the Receiver for the country. A list of all Receivers is provided in the Receiver IDs topic.
Invoice/CustomizationIDSee Specification IDs

The service uses these elements to invoke actions such as conversions from VRBL to a Tax Authority's required format, digital signatures, and delivery to the Tax Authority's system.

In this section

This section contains the following topics:

Routing OverviewOverview for this section. Routing describes the process of delivering a Document to the intended destination, based on a set of variables.
Inbound and Outbound CommunicationsCommunications can be sent to the service or sent from it to other parties.
RecipientsRead about how to configure the parties who receive Documents.
NetworksYou can use different networks to send Documents to recipients
FormatsRead about the formats that you can use.
Receiver IDsUse the Receiver ID to specify the system that receives the Documents.
Receiver DetailsIn certain use cases, you need to add some details about the recipient.
Endpoint IDsEndpoint IDs are used to identify e-invoicing systems such as buyers.
Sender IDYou must specify the Sender ID.
Specification IDsYou must include a Specification ID.
Business Process TypesThe Business Process Type helps the service process the Document.