Italy: Buyer's Tax Representative

If the Buyer has a Tax Representative and they must be present on the Document, you must specify the details.

Use the elements listed here to specify the details of the Buyer's Tax Representative.



This corresponds to the AgID's suggested implementation.

Italian Specifications

ElementItalian specification
Description1.4.4 (RappresentanteFiscale)
CompanyID1.4.4.1 (IdFiscaleIVA)
RegistrationName1.4.4.2 (Denominazione)
FirstName1.4.4.3 (Nome)
FamilyName1.4.4.4 (Cognome)


Use the following elements if the Tax Representative is an organization:

Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PowerOfAttorney/DescriptionSpecify VRBL:IT:TaxRepresentative.
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PowerOfAttorney/AgentParty/ PartyTaxScheme/CompanyIDSpecify the Tax Scheme ID, for example, a VAT number.
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PowerOfAttorney/AgentParty/ PartyLegalEntity/RegistrationNameSpecify the representative's registration name.

Use the following element if the Tax Representative is a natural person:

Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PowerOfAttorney/AgentParty/Person/FirstNameThe person's first name.
Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PowerOfAttorney/AgentParty/Person/FamilyNameThe person's family name.


  • You must use VRBL:IT:TaxRepresentative as the value for the Description element.


The following example shows this for an organization:

        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                        <cbc:RegistrationName>BY Tax Representative SRL</cbc:RegistrationName>
                    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->

The following example show this for a natural person:

        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
            <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->