Denmark: Supplier Identification

Denmark requires that you specify an ID to identify sellers.

Use the ID element to identify the seller. You must also specify the code that represents the system that the ID belongs to.


Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyIdentification/IDSpecify the supplier's ID.
Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyIdentification/ID @schemeIDSpecify the value that represents the system the ID belongs to.


For the @schemeID attribute, you must use one of the values from the ICD list, for example, 0088 represents EAN/GTIN.


The following example specifies 0123456789012 as the seller's identification number. The 0088 code represents EAN International, Belgium:

    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
		<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
			<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0198">DK12345678</cbc:EndpointID>
				<cbc:ID @schemeID="0088">0123456789012</cbc:ID>
    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
   	<!-- Code omitted for clarity -->