Serbia: Rules
Read about the rules used by Serbia.
VRBL rules
Country-Specific VRBL rules
Description | Topic |
[VRBL-RS-1]-The Line Item Price expects a maximum of one Line Item Price Allowance Charge. | Prices |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-1]-The Invoice Type Code must be one of the following values: 380, 381, 383, 386 | Serbia: Invoice Type Codes |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-2]-The Due Date is mandatory for Advance Payment Invoices (386). | Serbia: Payment Due Date |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-3]-The Invoice Period Description Code must be one of the following values: 35, 432, 3, 0 | Serbia: Invoicing Period |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-4]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Buyer Reference must begin with "JN-JBKJS:" followed by five digits from the JBKJS of the ordering party that carried out the public procurement, and can be followed by a hyphen and additional characters. | Serbia: Buyer Reference |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-5]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Billing Reference Invoice Document Reference must contain Billing Reference Invoice Document Reference ID and Billing Reference Invoice Document Reference Issue Date for Final Invoice (380) and Credit Note (381). | Serbia: Invoice Document Reference |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-6]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Supplier Endpoint ID Scheme ID is "9948", then is must be a valid Serbian TIN (Tax identification number) or PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj) or JMBG (Serbian Unique Master Citizen Number). | Serbia: Supplier's Electronic Address |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-7]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Supplier Identifier is sent, then it must starting with "JBKJS:" followed by the five digits. | Serbia: Supplier's ID |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-8]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Supplier Tax Identifier must be sent. If the Supplier Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ID is VAT, it can contain the Serbian TIN preceded by the prefix RS. | Serbia: Supplier's Tax Scheme |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-9]-The Supplier Party Legal Entity Registration Name and Supplier Legal Registration ID must be provided. The Supplier Legal Registration ID must be 8 digits. | Serbia: Supplier's Legal Entity |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-10]-The Customer Endpoint ID Scheme ID must be "9948" and can be used: the Serbian TIN (Tax identification number) or PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj) or JMBG (Serbian Unique Master Citizen Number) | Serbia: Buyer 's Electronic Address |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-11]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Customer Party Identification ID is sent, then it must starting with "JBKJS:" followed by the five digits. | Serbia: Supplier's Tax Scheme |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-12]-The Customer Party Tax Scheme Company ID must be sent. If the Customer Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ID is VAT, it can contain: the Serbian TIN preceeded by the prefix RS, or the JMBG. | Serbia: Buyer's Tax Scheme |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-13]-The Customer Party Legal Entity Registration Name and Customer Party Legal Entity Company ID must be provided. The Customer Party Legal Entity Company ID must to be 8 digits. | Serbia: Buyer's Legal Entity |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-14]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Supplier Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ID is "VAT", then the Tax Subtotal Category ID must be one of the following values: S, AE, Z, E, R, O, OE, SS, N. | Serbia: Tax Category |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-15]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Line Item Classified Tax Category Tax Scheme ID is "VAT", then the Line Item Classified Tax Category ID must be one of the following values: S, AE, Z, E, R, O, OE, SS, N. | Serbia: Tax Category |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-16]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Prepayment Amount ID must be provided for Final Invoice (380). | Serbia: Advanced Payment Information |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-17]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Prepayment Tax Sub Total Taxable Amount must be provided for Final Invoice (380). | Serbia: Advanced Payment Information |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-18]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Prepayment Tax Sub Total Amount must be provided for Final Invoice (380). | Serbia: Advanced Payment Information |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-19]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Supplier Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ID is "VAT", and the Invoice Type Code is "380", then the Prepayment Tax Sub Total Tax Category ID must be one of the following values: S, AE, Z, E, R, O, OE, SS, N. | Serbia: Advanced Payment Information |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-20]-The Reduced Tax Sub Total Taxable Amount must be provide for Final Invoice (380). | Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-21]-The Reduced Tax Sub Total Amount must be provide for Final Invoice (380). | Serbia: Reduced Tax Totals |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-22]-When the Supplier is Serbian, and the Supplier Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ID is "VAT", and the Invoice Type Code is "380", then the Reduced Tax Sub Total Tax Category ID must be one of the following values: S, AE, Z, E, R, O, OE, SS, N. | Serbia: Advanced Payment Information |
[VRBL-RS-1p0p0-23]-When the Supplier is Serbian, then the Reduced Legal Monetary Total must be provide for Final Invoice (380). | Serbia: Legal Monetary Totals (for Reduced Totals) |
[VRBL-RS-2]-The Line Item Price Allowance Charge Charge Indicator must always be 'false', as the difference must be stated as a reduction. | Allowances |
VRBL rules
Serbia uses the VRBL Rules that are documented in the VRBL Rules topic.
EN16931 rules
Serbia uses the EN 16931 Rules that are documented in the EN 16931: Rules topic.
Updated 21 days ago