Line-Level Elements

Read a list of elements that can be specified at the Line-level.

Some formats and countries have specific requirements that may vary.


The following table shows the Line-level elements for VRBL:

VRBL: Line IDYou can add an ID for a line.
VRBL: Line NoteYou can add a textual reference or note to a line in your Document.
VRBL: Invoiced QuantityYou can add information about quantity to your invoice lines.
VRBL: Line Net AmountYou can add net amounts to a line.
VRBL: Line Buyer Accounting ReferenceYou can add a buyer accounting reference to a line.
VRBL: Line PeriodYou can add a validity period to a line.
VRBL: Line Order ReferenceYou can add an order reference to a line.
VRBL: Line Despatch ReferenceYou can add a reference to a dispatch at the line level.
VRBL: Line Document ReferenceYou can a reference to an additional document to a line.
VRBL: Invoice Line AllowanceYou can add an allowance at the line level.
VRBL: Invoice Line ChargeYou can add a charge to a line.
VRBL: Item DescriptionYou can add a description for items at the line level.
VRBL: Item NameYou can add a name for an item at line level.
VRBL: Buyer Item IDYou can a reference to an Item ID provided by the Buyer.
VRBL: Supplier's Item IDYou can add a reference to the ID the Supplier uses for the item.
VRBL: Standard Item IdentificationYou can add an item classification to your items on the line level.
VRBL: Country of OriginYou can add a country of origin on the line level.
VRBL: Commodity ClassificationYou can add a commodity classification to your Document.
VRBL: Line Tax InformationYou can add tax information at the line level.
VRBL: Item AttributeYou can add attributes to an item.
VRBL: Price DetailsYou can add price details at the line level.

EN 16931

The following table shows the Line-level elements for EN 16931:

EN 16931: Line-Level AllowanceYou must use one of the required values for line-level allowances.
EN 16931: Line-Level ChargesYou must use one of the specified values for line-level charges.
EN 16931: Commodity ClassificationYou must use one of the specified values to specify the type of item.
EN 16931: Line-Level Tax InformationYou must use the required values for tax category classification.