Portugal: Billing Software

In Portugal, you must identify the billing software that issued the document.

Use the BillingSoftware (Extn) Extension to specify the software's details. You specify the software's ID, the hash code and a text description.


Invoice/UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/ProcessDetails/ BillingSoftware/NumberThe billing software's numeric identifier.
Invoice/UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/ProcessDetails/ BillingSoftware/HashCodeThe hash code.
Invoice/UBLExtensions/UBLExtension/ExtensionContent/InvoiceExtension/ProcessDetails/ BillingSoftware/DescriptionFree-text description of the software certification.


    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                    <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
                            <vrbl:Number>nº 234567</vrbl:Number>
                            <vrbl:Description>sistema certificado na AT</vrbl:Description>
                        <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->
     <!-- Code omitted for clarity -->